Chapter 16: Another reincarnator??

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[Sage's POV]

I stared at the system screen in disbelief.

'<l Mission:

There is another reincarnated person roaming around! Find and communicate with him.

*if you fail this mission you shall receive a penalty

Time: 3 weeks

Reward: 2 stat points + 50 xp

Penalty: Extreme pain for 3 minutes'

"Another reincarnated person??? Oi, self-proclaimed god. Elaborate." My mind raced with questions. Not knowing where to start (and also knowing that the demon probably won't answer most of my questions anyway), I decided to leave what was in the explanation fully up to him.


'Subject: Mission Number 2

From: God

Sage-chaan~ why are you so mean to me! You are making me cry here! ;-;

Anyways, it takes away the fun if I just tell you everything~

I can give you a few hints though!

He is also from Earth and knows EnglishDespite never meeting her in person, he (the body he possessed) dislikes Sage He lives here, in this mansion

Now good luck! Oh yeah, I recommend you don't do anything suspicious such as use English in public. You probably don't want to be mistaken as a spy after all~'

I didn't know how to react. First, I was terrified of the punishment. Let me make it clear. I hate pain. Enough to shamelessly cry during a doctor's visit when having injections. Extreme pain didn't really sound very nice, especially after reading comics with systems, in which extreme pain passes 10/10 in the pain chart. 3 minutes of it sounds terrifying, not even taking into account the phantom pain that may happen after it.

However, on the other hand, finding another reincarnator who lives in the same city as I was extremely exciting. It is suffocating, living away from everything I have ever known, being forced to adapt to a strange world with no one to share secrets to other than the cursed wicked thing that brought me here. Not being able to contact my family or friends or anyone I know at all. It's scary. I don't know how my life will turn out, and unlike how my life was supposed to go, I didn't know that this would happen so I don't have any time to prepare for it. I feel like I am walking on thin ice, just waiting to fall in, and the otome game hasn't even started yet!

'Enough with the negative thoughts!' I chided to myself, lightly slapping my cheeks in an effort to cheer up.

Anyways, as the self-proclaimed god said, I can't really plaster an unknown language to the walls in broad daylight, especially since the marquis is already suspicious of me. While Marquis Everflame already did make me pledge using mana crystals that I am not a spy and I'm not doing anything with the intent of harming him (or anyone), my power is way too new to be 100% trustworthy, and Marquis Everflame being the paranoid man he is, probably won't be too kind once he starts getting evidence pointing towards me being a spy.

I suppose I could hide the words in a pattern, however, I am not sure if Marquis Everflame would be happy with that. Also, it can still give evidence pointing towards me being a spy.

Well, I suppose the two other hints narrow it down quite a bit. It probably is a servant. Most servants live in the servant's quarters, and we do have quite a few male servants. However, he would probably have suspected that I am also a reincarnated person though, shouldn't he? I mean, even if he was just reincarnated from a day, he should have heard the rumors about me becoming favored overnight; those rumors spread faster and further than wildfire. Also, why does his in-game character dislike Sage? The only rumors she had floating around were about her being pitiful. He hasn't met her in person, so it couldn't be like he directly witnessed her personality... Perhaps he had a friend or family member that was affected by her? But Sage couldn't possibly have enough influence to do something like that, and I haven't really made any orders that would affect people. Then...perhaps the punishment Marquis Everflame had given towards a portion of the servants for not treating me like a proper noble?

"Well, now that I have a lead, I should probably find the people he punished first."

I rang the small bell that had been placed on the tableside.

"Yes, milady?" A maid asked as she walked in.

"I would like a report on who was punished by Marquis Everflame due to my ill-treatment. I would like for the report to include any relatives or relations they have towards the male servants and their financial situation. Please get this done as soon as possible." I instructed, "Oh and I trust that there will be no rumors spreading about this."

"Understood. I shall give you the report by tomorrow at the most." She said before exiting the room.

'Wait.... Did she say by tomorrow? At most?? I am pretty sure that more than one person was on this (as Marquis Everflame who expected me to be giving treatment to a noble assigned them), so shouldn't this be taking longer?? Just how do these people work?! Even if multiple people were on the job, investigating into all these people's backgrounds without them being suspicious must be a lot of work to do! This kind of encourages me to work harder for daily things.'

'Wait... on second thought, I take back that last part. My laziness isn't so weak as to be shaken by such trivial actions.' I added with a strange and shameless pride in my thoughts.

Double-checking the message to make sure I hadn't missed anything, I came across a shocking revelation.

"You know how to use periods?!" I asked the self-proclaimed god in disbelief.


'Subject: Mission Number 2

From: God

I- I am speechless! I have used periods before while talking to you! How could you think so low of me! Sage-chan you are so cruel!!'

I chuckle at the response for a moment before catching myself doing so.

Knock Knock

"Miss, your break is up. Etiquette classes will be starting soon, please get prepared."

Groaning, I got up and started changing myself into a very itchy dress.

(a/n: While normally, the maids help nobles put on clothes, Sage who felt very uncomfortable with that managed to get herself permission to change on her own by adding that to the contract.)

Upon waking up the next day, I noticed a stuffed file placed on my desk.


There were still around 10 minutes before breakfast, so I decided to check it out. Inside were a stack of 100, pieces of paper(or whatever they used instead of paper). Looking through them, I quickly realized that this was the file I had asked the maid to bring me the prior day.

"W-what? This much?? In a day?"

Do people have magic that slows down time or something?

"Well, at least I am off to a good start," I sigh to myself "I have my work cut out for me, don't I, "

(a/n) And thus Sage goes on a wild goose chase! She will probably be very angry when she finds out all her work was for naught ꉂ ('∀`)ʱªʱªʱª

I wrote this feeling sleepy, so I am sorry if there were any mistakes or it was bad quality.

As always, questions, comments, concerns, and/or constructive criticism are very much appreciated! Stay safe and enjoy your day~

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