Chapter 8~ Peter

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He lifted his hands, ready to take off his mask. He stopped, then took a deep breath.

"It's okay. Take your time" I whispered. I could tell this was one of the hardest things ever to do for him.

I put a hand on his shoulder. He was shaking, just very unnoticeable; you had to touch him to notice.

"Wade. Listen to me. Take your time, don't rush. I know it's hard"

Wade seemed to come back to his senses. He pulled the mask up to his nose, revealing his mouth. He took another breath, then Pulled the mask off completely.

He had his eyes closed.
I took a good look at his face. He was right, his face was pretty scarred an messed up, but he wad wrong about one thing; he wasn't horrible, or disgusting.
It was...
Something no one else has.
I took a good look at all the scars, studying them. Before I knew it, my hand reached out to touch the scars, but he grabbed my hand.
"Don't you dare. I might have my eyes closed, but i'm a high skilled mercenary; I. Can. Hear. You.
His voice was cold, distant, and I knew exactly why. It's a cover-up for his fear.
He was scared as fuck.
He let my hand go, and it might be mean, but it's for his own good. Because he was distracted, I was able to touch his cheek with my other hand. Wade flinched, but excepted it. Finally.
"Open your eyes." I said.
"No. I don't want to look at your face right now, all terrified, and disgusted." He said.
"Look. At. Me." I said, this time more urgent. He had to know that he was absolutely wrong about my facial expressions. Completely wrong.
"He slowly opened his eyes, then stared at me in shock, when he realized I was close to him.
Like really close.
I smiled at him. "Don't be. Don't you dare to be afraid. I think you're beautiful" I said.
"Don't you dare to lie to me" he replied. His voice became softer.
"I'm not" I said.
And the truth is, I really wasn't. I don't know what kind of horrible things people said to him, but they were all lies.
The scars drew a beautiful pattern on his face, something which can only be Wade. Something... Which is not human, but so much more powerful.
So much more unique.
Something I would never want to forget again.
"Hey Peter... You know I said my face was like this? I meant my whole body. Every inch of my skin is like this"
"That's wonderful" I said.
"There's nothing wrong with that. Because I love it. I think you're perfect the way you are. No wait. That's not true; I don't think so, I know so. I don't even want to know what people said to you, but believe me when I tell you this; you're beautiful in your own way. They just didn't look past the scars to see what I see now; they aren't scars. They're the lines who draw your story. Who you were meant to be. The things which got you to were you are right now. I don't see scars; I see the story of who you are."
I said. I meant every word, and hoped Wade would accept it.
"That's the nicest thing someone ever said to me" he whispered. He seemed shocked, probably because someone finally excepted him.
The poor man had never heard anything else as insults or seen anything else as fear. It must have been like a nightmare, and suddenly it became so clear why he wore the suit all the time. Like the story finally hit me.
"Where did you get all the scars?" I asked.
"Wow. That's a looooooong story..." He said.
"Don't worry, I got plenty of time." I smiled.
"Well..." He started...
Well y'all know what the next chapter will tell you! The rest of Wade's story! If you've seen X-Men origins: Wolverine, you know Wade's original story. I'm going to use it, but twist it a little, since i already messed up the rest of Peter&Wade's background storys.
The lovely advantages of an AU. ;)
Well, see y'all next week!

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