Chapter 11~ Arianna

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This is a chapter from your POV, a_hubler2083! If I did something wrong, or if you don't like something in this chapter, PM me and i'll change it!
Chapter 11~ Arianna

There he is! I saw Wade running, so if I wanted this to work I had to move Fast.
I dragged him into an ally, and he tried to say something.

"What the-" he was cut off by a loud BANG. Let's just say I hit him on the head with a metal pipe.
Oops. He'll heal anyway, so...

"Right. Uhm... What now? I hit him, he is knock-out... He'll wake up soon though-" I was cut off by a loud groan. Shit. I just wasted my time mumbling to myself.

"Fuuuuuuuck.... That hurts like a bitch..." Wade said.
He sat up, because he dropped on the floor when I hit him. Yeah, oops...

Then he saw me, but I hit him once again with the pipe. I just need a little more time!
I dragged him into a building, searched for a chair and tied him to it with a rope I had.

When he woke up, again, he shook his head and said: "DUDE STOP HITTING ME."
"Too bad i'm not a dude" I chuckled.
Wade looked up at me.
"What's wrong with you? Why did you kidnap me?!" He said annoyed.
"NOBODY STEALS MY FOOD." I screamed. Don't push the button...
I'll explode.

"Did I steal your food?" He asked.
He doesn't remember? Oh wait. I just knocked him out twice with a pipe, that must have caused some temporary damage.

I returned to my senses, then spoke.
"Yes. Yes you did. Yesterday, I was just walking outside with a chimichanga in my hand, then you ran by and took it from me. And because I am awesome, I took a pipe, knocked you out twice, then tied you up after taking your weapons. NOBODY-"
"-Steals your food I get it. I'm sorry, and all that stuff... But i'm kinda in a hurry, so could we finish this later?" He asked.

Is he asking what I think he's asking?
"Yes that means I wanna see you again. You're kinda cool, actually. Kidnapping someone is pretty badass!" He exclaimed.


"Uh, yeah... Sure. When will we meet?" I asked.
"What about tomorrow, this place?" He asked.
"Yeah, sounds fine" i said. I spinned on my heels, ready to walk away when he couched.
"Mind releasing me?" He asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.
"YES. Oops. I forgot..." I walked back to him, and untied the rope.
"Your weapons are over there." I pointed to a box in the corner of the room.

He stared at me.
Why was he staring?!

"You're pretty, you know that?" He said.
"Stop it. Seriously. I'll hit you with that pipe again if you keep being annoying" i sighed.
Wade put his hands up in surrender.
"Just saying the truth! But don't worry, you're not my type." He said.
"Then what is your type?" I asked. I was just curious.
"Dudes in Spider-Man suits." He said, but before I could ask more he ran away.

Well, this was... Interesting...

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