Chapter 2~ Peter

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I swung trough New York, looking for a nice place to land.
I really had to head home soon, or else my dads will be worried (even though I really feel like they should be over that by now).

Steve and Tony, with a kid. Who would've thought?

I landed on a roof, with a loud thud. I took my backpack of my back and took out a black t-shirt, when I heard a thud behind me- only this time it wasn't me.

As I turned around I saw a man, taller than me, in a red and black spandex suit. I didn't go into defense mode, since the man had two large katanas strapped on his back and a gun strapped on each of his legs. He had a grenade in his hand, messing with the pin.

Yeah, fighting this guy wasn't a option, it probably wouldn't end well.

'Let's just talk to him, say hi, and DON'T piss him off. That's a good plan, for now'
"Uhm... Hi?" I said, a bit nervous
'Nice going Parker, now he thinks you're scared'
"Oh, Hello" the man replied, not looking up from whatever he was doing with the grenade. He had a low voice, almost like a dark one. Deep, that's the word.

"Could you stop that? You might blow both of us up" I said. I wanted to live a bit longer than 20 years.

"Well, i'll stop for you, but if it really explodes i'll heal" he replied, looking up at me as he put the grenade back into a pocket on his belt.

'Ah how nice. The rest of those pockets are probably filled with grenades too. What a lovely man.'

"I'm pretty sure you won't survive that, though" I said, quirking an eyebrow under my mask.

"You do if you have a healing factor" he said his voice getting a bit higher, less serious.
More... Well, the kind of voice you use when you're cracking jokes.
That was a good thing, right?

"Who are you, Wolverine or something?" I said.
I could shoot myself right now.
'Smooth move idiot. Now he's going to kill you'

But instead of that, the man started to laugh, and said "yeah, actually, I kinda am. I got my healing factor from Wolverine."

"If you finally decide to stop thinking i'm going to kill you and crack the jokes you're thinking out loud, I wanna know your name.
You seem nice" he said.

'Damn, can he read minds too?'
"You can read minds too? Do you got that from Charles Xavier or something?" I laughed.

"See that's what I mean. Just say it out loud! I like you, kid.
But no, I can't read minds, it's just what everybody thinks when they meet me. Deadpool by the way"

"Spider-Man" I replied, after a while. I'm sure I've heard that name before...

"When they meet you. Does that mean you never see 'em again or..?" I asked.
"Well... Most of them can't really see me again. Except if dead people can return to earth or something"

I froze. So he's really going to kill me...
"Hey relax dude. Those are just my contracts. I get paid to kill them! It's my job. Why do you think I got katanas and guns anyway?"

Uhm... I was about to ask Deadpool something, but when I looked at him he seemed to listen to something. Then he shouted: "WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?!"

When he saw I was staring at him he simply said: "the boxes. They're like little voices in my head but they don't know how to shut the fuck up"

Aaaaalright. Wow.

"Okay, so i'm gonna go..." I said
"No! Wait!" He said.
"Can I at least know your name? Like, your real name? Or see you again? I like to talk to you. You're a good listener."

'He doesn't seem really bad except all the guns and the killing-people-for-money-part. But then again, killing people for money. Eh, I'm fucked anyway'

"Yeah, we can meet again. But names will come later, alright?.

Tomorrow, same time, this roof" I said as I swung off the building after I took my backpack. I quickly changed on a rooftop near home when I realized what i'd just done.

'What have i gotten myself into?'
Long chapter! Be proud! :)
I know it doesn't sound like much, but it means a lot to me that people actually read the story i'm writing.
A shout out to Rose_snow , thank you so much for voting! This chapter is for you! :)
Nothing much to say, but please vote&comment! Especially comment, I really want to know what you think about the story so far, and what I might need to change.
Also, this is just a story, I don't follow the comicbook story line, i kinda made my own up.
I should stop talking now, see ya next week!

Hey! This is an update i posted later, anyway we're at 197 reads! Thank you so much!
If we hit 200 reads before Sunday, i'll do an early update :)
Thank you guys so much!
See ya Spiderpoolers!
-a very happy and thankful Moon :)

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