Chapter 12~ Peter

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I swung around New York, just doing patrol, when I saw Wade.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I asked, when I caught up with him.
"Oh, that's a weird story. Yesterday, or the dag before yesterday, I saw a girl walking around with a chimichanga and I stole it from her. Turns out she's a merc too, and a pretty badass one actually. She hit me twice with a metal pipe to knock me out and kidnapped me...
It was pretty funny actually. Anyway, I told her that I wanted to meet her again, so i'm on my way to do just that"

"Wow. Why doesn't it suprise me that it happened to YOU" I sighed.
He chuckled "I just get drawn to trouble. Hey, do you want to come with me?"
"Yeah, sure. I want to meet this badass chick"

So I followed him, and we ended up at an abandoned building, where a pretty girl stood.

"Hey! Nice to see you again!" Wade high-fives the girl.
"Who's that?" She asked.
"Oh my god, isn't that your preference? Guys in Spider-Man suits?"


"Yeah! You remembered! That's him!"
Wade laughed.
Probably an inside joke I missed.

"Hey! I'm Arianna" the girl stuck out her hand for me to shake.
When I tried to reply, she cut me off.
"-I know who you are, Peter" she winked.

How the fuck does she know my name?
I turned to Wade with an angry expression, but Arianna cut me off, again. Damnit.
"-hey, he didn't tell me! I followed you around for a while"
"How many people have been following me?!" I said, throwing my hands up.
"Quite a lot" Wade said.

Stupid mercenaries.

"Hey, do you want to come and hang out?" Wade asked Arianna.
It might not look like it, but I get why Wade likes her. She's funny, crazy, and like him. They'd make a good couple.

A sting of jealousy hit me.
Wait what?
Am I jealous?
Do I like Wade?
Am I even gay? - probably
Am I-

"No thanks, But thanks. Nice offer, but I'm not planning to roll into your little world. I'm the kind of girl who does her shit on her own" she said.

I felt... Relieved?
What's going on?

"Well, okay then. Nice meeting you though!" Wade smiled.
"Same" and with that, she climbed on the roof of the building and disappeared.

"Interesting character" I mumbled.
"Yeah, I know Right" Wade said.
"Thanks for coming. See ya tomorrow?" He asked.
"Sure" I smiled, then swung away.

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