Chapter 17/Epilogue

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"And that, my child, is how I met your father" said Peter, finishing his, and Wade's story.

"Dad, no kissing details!" Anna laughed. "I might be 15 but I don't have to know that"

"No, we'll keep those locked up. For now" Wade winked.

Anna just pulled a disgusted face and continued her meal.

They were sitting at a large table, in the kitchen of their home.

A few years ago, they decided to adopt a child.
Her name was Anna. She grew up as a normal kid, seeing Wade quit the mercenary life.
Peter, however, finished college and had a pretty important job, but quit the Spider-Man life to protect their daughter.

You could see they were happy, like a real family.

"How does it feel, though? To be a mercenary? You SHOOT people!"
Anna piped up, after a moment of silence.

"Ann, I don't think-"

"IT'S FUCKING AWESOME! It's a hell of a feeling when there's someone you hate, like a murderer, or a rapist-"

"Wade, don't" Peter hissed.

"-and he sits there, and you're allowed to shoot his fucking face off with a shiny gu-"

"WADE LET'S NOT" Peter slapped his hand on hus husband's mouth, who was just stupidly laughing.
When Peter removed his hand, Wade stayed silent, with that stupid smirk on his face.

Peter kept glaring at him, even though it wasn't intimidating, because he was smiling.


"You don't have to use a gun though, a katana is even better"


And Wade had never left his chair as fast as when he did at that very moment, laughing like a maniac, with an annoyed but laughing Peter chasing him.

Anna just continued her meal with a sigh.

"Childeren" she mumbled.



that's it! It's the end of the story!
This is the first story I've ever written, and the first one I finished.

A huge thanks to everyone who read, voted, commented, PM'd.
Stay awesome 🖖🏻 :)

Off topic:
As you may or may not know, I'm adding paragraphs to my earlier chapters, because they didn't have that and it annoys the crap out of me.


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