Chapter 20:"There always is with you..."

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                Leonard's POV

"Barry, the cat says that she might know where some wolfs-bane is at." I say as we all head to the van. "That's good, did she tell you where it might be at?" Barry said with hope. "No, but I'll show you the way blur." The cat said, as everyone got in the van except the clown and cat. "Were are you going? The van is this way you two." I say. "Dude we don't have much room in the van, we only have room for the five of us." Says Cisco somewhat annoyed. "Don't worry I just need to grab something." said Selena as she walks away and the clown waits. When Selena came back she was on a jet black motorcycle. "Come on Harley, also make sure to keep up." She said to us as the clown got on and put a helmet on. I look at Barry to see that he's already in the van. "What? she said to keep up, now lets go!" Barry says as I get in the van and we start to drive.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

 As we spend our time on the road I watch all the cars and buildings go by in blurs while I think what could happen next when we reach our stop. We spend a hour or so on the road we finally came to a stop. "What are we doing here?" Says Caitlin as everyone got out of the van. "We're almost there just about five minutes." "Then why did we stop here?" Says Lyra confused. "It would cause suspicion if we pull up in front of where we need to be." Says the clown. It seems strange but I'm used to strange things in my life. As we walk for the five minutes we arrive at the entrance of a cave. We all look at each other, nod and follow suit with the two female villains. As we walk in the cold cave some bats fly out in front of us scaring Cisco. We made it to the back of the cave and then it hits me quite literally. "How and why are you here Snart! This is Gotham not Central city dumb ass!" Said Nightwing, as he punched me, knocking me flat on my ass casing me to be pissed. I pull out my cold gun and turn it on, I was fine until I was knocked on my fucking ass. "That's enough you two!" Shouted a voice from the darkest part of the cave and came out the one and only Batman.  He jumped down and landed in between the two of us. We kept our fighting stance and eventually listened and backed off. "Now that we all calmed down what are all of you doing here? More importantly how did you get into my cave?" The bat said somewhat annoyed. He looked behind me and there Selena was smiling with a hint of a flirtatious look in her eye for the bat. The bat sighed when he saw her and shook his head. "I take that you brought them in here you two?" He said looking at the clown and cat. They smiled and nodded at him. "Hey Bruce, so you see Snart here is looking for something to help him.." Barry said stepping forward. Old bat waited in silence as Barry explained more. "I'm looking for wolfs-bane so I can save my wife." I said as I said sternly. "Didn't know you cared for someone other than yourself Snart." Batman said blankly. I know I'm selfish but damn would it kill someone to believe that I could care for someone more than myself. I felt kinda pissed until Lyra spoke up. "I'm sorry Mr. Bruce for coming into your cave without asking. However, we really want to know if you have some wolfs-bane so we can break our immortality. So please sir can you help us out?" Lyra says hopefully. Batman stood there watching us while contemplating what to do or say. "Follow me." That's all he said as he walked into a different area of the cave. We all follow him, watch as he types in a code and unlocks this safe. As we watch the safe door open we see that he has jewels, spell books, kryptonite, and thank god he has wolfs-bane. "Here," The bat said as he comes to us holding the bottle of wolfs-bane. "There is a condition though." He said as he stopped in front of me. "There always is with you.." I grumbled. "My condition is if this works you'll help me when and wherever I ask you to." Batman said waiting for my replay. "...fine.." I said as I grunt and took the bottle.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

"Well thanks for the help pointing us in the right direction you two." Said Barry shaking hands with the cat and clown. They three talk for a moment and after awhile he's ready to come back and we leave Gotham. We spend our time on the road and finally we make it back to Y/N's castle. We make it into Lyra's laboratory and she grabbed a witches pot. "First lets set the wolfs-bane out." As soon as I set the bottle done on the table it was set ablaze. "W-what the!.." Everyone exclaimed.  

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