Chapter 21: "This must be his doing!"

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Leonards POV

As we watched the bottle of wolfs-bane set ablaze we were put in shock and looked around for anyone out of the ordinary yet found no one. "What did this?" Said Lyra with a blank face yet her voice was pissed off. We all looked around to double check to see if anyone was hiding. We didn't find anyone and I could feel myself get annoyed. "This must be his doing! This must be Dagen's doing!" I said loudly. I began to think about how we could've been so stupid to get caught trying to break this spell. While I was thinking all I heard was noises I was to deep in thought to understand what was being said. The more I think the more I get annoyed at myself not knowing that we were probably being watched. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look to see who was touching me and it was Barry. "It's okay Snart we all agreed about the back up plan and now we just need to know how you feel about it." Barry said as he looked at me in the eyes. I look at him and nodded. "If it means you have to do it then of course just to save my wife." I said at Barry. We nod in agreement and he leaves. I look at everyone else and they tell me every thing we're about to do when Barry gets back.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Barry's POV

After I left Snart and the others I sped off to Star Labs and kept running till I gain enough speed to travel back 50 years ago. After awhile a picked up the speed I needed and ran into the speed force. When I came out I looked around and wondered if this is where I'm meant to be. I walk around about and see people walking together. "Excuse me are you lost?" Said a soft voice. I turn around to see a young women staring at me worried. I stumbled back scared for a moment. "I didn't even see her there she probably thinks I'm not from here huh?" I thought as I looked at her. "Ah! um yes.. I am lost. Do you know where I might be." I say trying to not startle her. "Oh! Sorry if I scared you.. But your in Central town." She says. "Thank you miss have a good day!" I say as I start to speed walk away till I get somewhere privet. "1. I can't believe that Central City used to be called 'Central Town'! 2. Now I'm going to have to go to Silas. 3. I need to find some wolfs-bane." I said quietly to myself. As I speed off to Silas I can see how everything has changed over the years. When I make it to Silas I see flowers everywhere.. No, I don't think those are regular flowers. Those flowers are wolfs-bane. Luckily I grabbed a small bottle thats not easy to break this time. I quickly and quietly take some pettles and put them in the bottle. As I put the bottle away I see a horde of wolf's and... one giant wolf comes out of the palace. I hide so I'm not in sight of battle. It looks as if this is Y/N's people and that giant wolf must be Y/N's father or grandfather. From where I'm standing at it looks like there fighting something... No, they're fight humans and the person in charge seems to be.... Dagen. What the hell? This must be the fight that Y/N told us about. This battle to stop this group of people from killing her kind. She said that this war was the worst that they ever had. As I watch this war between man and wolf break out I can feel the chill of fear run through my body. I watch as men stab wolf's and wolf's sink their fangs into other men's flesh. The blood of each man and wolf is spilled. I watch for what felt to be like forever. Almost everyone was now dead, the only ones who where left was the king of wolf's and Dagen. It took awhile but once Dagen got a clean and deep cut while using his swords that was laced with wolfs-bane on the king. The remaining men finished the king off with all the weapons they had that was laced with wolfs-bane. They ripped his fur off, slit his throat as the blood dripped down to the ground in a rapped manner. The king stumbled and then pressed to fall to the ground. I watched as the kings eyes went white and he stopped moving. After they left I could still hear Dagens sinister laughter. I saw the remaining citizens of this kingdom run to their parents, siblings, grandparents, and they were filled with tears. Something caught my eye though.. I watched as a younger version of Y/N's father stands in front of the old king.. his father. However, that wasn't what caught my eye. What caught my attention was.. The now new king of wolf's started lighting every single peddle of wolfs-bane on fire. It shouldn't be much of a surprise since Y/N said before that they burned the rest of the wolfs-bane. I snapped back out of it and ran, I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the speed forces. As I made it back to the present and back to Silas.

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