Chapter 23: "And do you..."

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I can't believe this, I'm just moments away from marring the man who's going to kill me tonight. And lets just say I'm not excited. I don't even know how this is going to go all I know is that later tonight I'm going to die. At the moment I'm sitting in the palace's dressing room in my wedding dress as my lady in waiting does my hair and makeup. After my lady in waiting is done I look out the open balcony and hear foot steps leave and enter. I hardly pay attention to what's going on around me and focus on the woods that I'm looking at. I lay my hand onto my forehead and rest my elbow on my knee. A single tear rolls down my face and onto my dress. "You know I never wanted this life.. I never wanted this much pain and I can't believe that after everything I still let myself end up getting controlled and abused.... And It's never going to stop.." I say as another tear runs down my face. I feel whom ever's hand on my knee and they softly began to talk. "I know Y/N," Said Caitlin as she hugged me. "Please make it stop.. make the all of it stop!.." I began to say loudly as tears pour from my eyes, I can feel Caitlin's arms tighten the hug. After awhile she pulled away from me and held my hands as she looked up at me. I sat there looking at her and noticed that she was wearing a long, black, and wavy wig. She was also wearing silver eye shadow and she was wearing one of my brides maids dresses. "Y/N calm down, we broke the bonding spell and we're going to save you. I promise." She said as she stood up and fixed my messed up makeup. We talked for a little while but then she had to go and as she left one of the guards told me it was time.

I took a deep breath before I walked down the ail and tried to stop myself from running away from this but if I don't go throw this he'll kill my people. I started to walk once I heard the music start, I looked around and everyone was watching me I noticed Caitlin was already in her place and.. Is that Leonard? I tried not showing my shocked expression when Leonard smirked at me. I kept my eyes ahead and watched as Dagen's eyes were filled with blood lust as he smirked at me. I was filled with disgust as I watched him and made it to him as he held my hands. The music stopped and the pastor began to speak. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Jack Hunter and Y/N L/N. Those who do not approve, speak now or forever hold your peace." The pastor began as no one spoke up he continued and luckily he skipped the vows which I was not looking foreword to. "Do you Jack Hunter take Y/N L/N as your wife?" "I do" Dagen spoke as he smirked again with even more blood lust in his eyes. "And do you..." The pastor stopped as he was interrupted as Dagen was hit in the arm with a ice sickle. "Now!" Shouted Caitlin as she turned into killer frost and throw her wig off. Next thing I know a green arrow hit Dagen in the back and the Flash came in through one of Cisco's breaches. Everything happened so quickly that next thing I knew Leonard was standing in front of me and was pointing his cold gun in front of Dagen. "You really thought this through didn't you Leo? I can still fucking kill you and your fucking wife!" Said Dagen as he tried to stand though the pain and stopped once he felt a gun to his head. "I wouldn't if I was you Dagen." Said Mick as he started his gun. I walked in front of Leonard and pushed him back so I could have space. "Ah! look th-" "Shut up!" I screamed at him. I held my hand out as I continued to stare at him with a numb face. Lyra walked up to me and handed me a knife. "You did this to me, you abused me and killed me multiple times!" I shouted as I began to cut and rip my dress until it was short. "You can no longer hurt me or Leonard or Lyra anymore. I spent years letting you control me and you know what I'm in control now bitch!" I raised my voice as I plunged my knife into his neck and pulling it out licking the blood off my blade. "Your blood is delightful." I say as I laughed. I turned into my lycan form and I could feel my tail fall out from under my dress and my hair change into white. I began to growl and circle Dagen's body as he continued to bleed out, my father, brother, and Lyra turned into their lycan forms and nodded as they looked at me. They began to devour him. My people were not shocked it was not the first time we've devoured someone. However, the one's that were horrified was Frost, Cisco, Flash, and Green Arrow. Leonard just watched as this happened, I smiled showing my fangs off at him and he smiled at me. I knew I was always going to love Leonard Snart and one of the ways I knew was because instead of him being scared of my form and about to devour a person he smiled at me with all the chaos that we have. My father and the others backed off and let me finish him. As I dug my fangs into his flesh I could feel this over whelming sensation. After I finished my meal I looked up and transformed back. I walked to the center of my people and they started to spread letting me through. I stopped and looked at every one of my people and some looked proud and others confused. I looked down at my dress and hands, I was covered in Dagen's blood and suddenly all I felt was pain because I felt as if I let my people down. I felt the tears pour down my face and dropped down to my knees. "I-I don't deserve this.. I don't d-deserve to be your queen!" I shouted as my emotions flowed through me. "Y/N! look at me," shouted a familiar voice. I looked up and to my surprise it was Ocean. "We may not get along all the time but at least trust me on somethings," she said as she laid her hand on my shoulder. "But I-I shouldn't be your queen.. I let everyone down.... How can I be a queen when I was being controlled and I never did a thing to stop it. I'm supposed to be strong.." I said as I looked at Ocean with tears in my eyes. Ocean shook her head with sadness in her eyes. She hugged me tightly as I cried in her arms.

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