Chapter 12: "I'm home."

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After a long flight from Central City we made it back home to Silas. "So where do you live at   Y/N?" Asked Cisco. We just got off the plane and got our luggage. "Oh! I got this!" Barry exclaimed and sped off with all of our luggage. Barry came back and zoomed us to my home. Everyone was impressed except Barry, Lrya, and I. The way my beautiful home looked like something you'd might expect a wolf queen to stay and thrive. Long ago my ancestors found a abound palace and fixed it up so their family and pack could live somewhere safe. So now this place belongs to me. "I'm gonna be honest, this is badass for a badass chick." Caitlin said high-fiving me. We walked inside and four men instinctively stopped us. "Holt! Who are you and why are you here!" Shouted one of the men. I walked past my four friends and stopped in front of them. "Let them pass boys, their here by my permission." I said, as my men rose from the ground after kneeling to me. The men let us past and shortly we made it inside the throne room which is also the ball room. "Lil sis!" I heard my brother shout. "Lycus!!" I shout back as I ran to him. My brother picked me up and spend me around. "I missed you, did you have fun in Central City? Oh! And the ball should be ready around 7:30 tomorrow night." Lycus said, as he sat me back down. "I had some.. fun with my friends here. Also thank you for informing me." I said as I turned around. "Wait so this is your brother?" Caitlin said breath taken from the site of my brother. Wait.. is Caitlin checking my brother out! I don't know how to feel about that. "Hi! My names Lycus L/N. I'm Y/N's older brother and also the fighting instructor here." My brother informed, as everyone shook hands. I hugged my brother one last time and then asked where our father was at. "Oh, he's out in the woods. Also before you go what's this,?" Lycus said as he held my crescent moon hair pin in his hand. I tried to reach for it but Lycus just raised his arm higher. "It's my hair pin that Lrya got me! Now give it back damn it!" I said jumping up to try and reach but still couldn't. "Haha! Shorty!" Lycus laughed. My brother is 6,10 and I am 5,0 so yes, yes I am short. However, I can still kick some ass. When he called me short I decided that I'm not gonna try. I'm not gonna do what anyone would do get there things back but different. So... what's this difference you ask. Well I'll show you. "I said give it back Jackass!" I said as I kicked my brother hard in the balls. Instantly he fell to the ground and let go of my hair pin. I put my hair pin back into my hair and walk towards the woods as I hear everyone laughing. I walk far in the woods and find my dad sitting on a log. I know exactly what to do heheh. I shift into my werewolf form and snuck behind him. "I know you're there Y/N." said my dad as he stood up and turned around. "No matter how old I got you always now when I'm sneaking up behind you don't you?" I pouted really hoping I could've scared him but didn't. We laugh and hug. "I've missed my little wolf." He said letting me go. "Yeah, I'm home now dad." I said smiling. After we talked for awhile we began to walk back to the palace. "Hey, don't get me wrong here I'm just looking out for you okay but... I think Jack is uh... maybe cheating on you.." my dad said slightly quite but I know with venom in his voice. "Dad he would never do that.." I said knowing that anyone could even Jack. "Really.. So you don't think he can cheat but you know he can abu-" "That's enough Dad!" I shouted knowing the last word for to well. And what Dad was saying was true.. Maybe he is cheating but he does hurt me at times..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Time skip~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everyone already meet Jack and Roux. They seemed to be getting along specially with Roux. However, when I was ready to go to bed there was a knock on my bedroom door. I walked close to the door and grabbed my rob so I could cover my body. Because I'm wearing my lace nightgown. As I open the door and step out with the door shut. I look back and all of a sudden I'm shoved up against the door. I open my eyes to see a very angry Jack. I began to feel fear wash over me, what have I done now. "What the hell Y/N! Why are those outsiders here!" He shouted. I stood there in fear and he gripped onto my arms tighter, probably going to leave a bruise. "I-I'm sorry.. I just wanted to show them a good time.." I said feeling my eyes began to water. I'm never scared of anyone.. I never cower before anyone.. But why am I only scared of Jack, he's supposed to be kind, loving, and protecting... So why do I always get hurt.. "Did I say you could bring these outsiders! Huh!" He said well he slammed my body into the wall as I hit my head roughly. "N-no..." I said and waited then regretted what come next. "But you're not the Alpha.." I said with little courage I had trying not to be scared. However, what I just said mad him angrier. "As long as you're with me then I'm Alpha. Also these outsiders best be out before the wedding because their not coming for it. Got it!" He said as he slapped me. "...Yes, sir....." I whispered as I held my head down. "That's what I thought you stupid bitch.." Jack said, as he walked away. I could here his footsteps walk away and then stop. He was talking to another girl and what I'd presume is that he would sleep with her. I fell to the ground, my hair a mess will halfway covering my eyes, and tears pouring out that even if I wanted to I couldn't stop. "Why... why do I stay?..." I whispered to myself. I heard someone run but I payed no attention. "Y/N! Are you okay? What happened!?!" Shouted Barry, as he knelt down to see that both my upper arms were bruised, my left cheek was beginning to swell. I looked at Barry and felt as if I was... No, that I am weak.. why am I even a Queen then..     "Y/N, who did this to you?" Barry said trying to help calm me. It wasn't working all that would help is if I cried it out of me. "I just want to go to my room.." I said quietly. "Where's it at and I'll take you." Barry said picking me up bridle style but making sure I felt safe. I slowly pointed to the door behind me. Barry opened the door and laid me on my bed and covered me up. He looked at me with worry.. I knew he wanted me to talk but I didn't.. "Barry.. I just want to sleep okay.." I whispered. Barry stared at me a minute or two trying to decide to leave or stay but he nodded his head and left. After five hours of crying I finally fell asleep. However, before I did go all the way to sleep I could have sworn I saw Leonard come out of the corner of my dark room. The light of the moon from my balcony shown on him. But maybe it was a dream for tomorrow... I wake up in hell again.

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