Chapter 16: "Don't tell me to calm down!"

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Leonard's POV

I watched as that son of a bitch took my wife from me. I knew that he could kill her at any moment but what am I kidding he's still gonna kill her. After minutes went by I slowly lowered my gun. "What are we going to do now?" I say as I turn around to everyone else with anger in my blood. I looked at everyone and saw that Y/N's dad and brother where pissed, Cisco and Frost didn't know what to do, and Barry was angry. "We're gonna have to get wolfsbane before the wedding." Said Lyra. "We have a month to get this ready and there's no wolfsbane around." I said annoyed. "Yes, but there might be away-" "I'm not letting that son of a bitch keep my sister!" Said Lycus, as he and Y/N's father was ready to run out the room. I started walking towards them so I could join them until Barry started yelling. "Sit down! You all are gonna die if you go!" "Or what Allen!" I yelled back as I walked to Barry. "Calm down both of you!" Caitlin said loudly. "Don't tell me to calm down!" I yelled as I slammed my fist on the table a couple of times. Barry laid his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me. But I just felt tears row down my face. "I can't lose her again! Not anymore..." I said sitting down, shaking.


After everyone calmed down we all sat down in the meeting hall. "As I was saying earlier I believe there's two ways we can find wolfsbane." Lyra said, waiting as she looked at us. "What's the two options?" Asked Cisco. "We ether get Barry to travel back in time 50 years ago before the wolfsbane was all burned.... Or we go to a place where I'm 50% sure they have it." "And where is it?" Asked Barry. "It's in Gotham City." Said Lyra. It took me a moment to process what she just said. "No! I'm not going to Gotham." I said annoyed. "What but why?" Said Y/N's father. "Because there's people there that I don't like or got off on the wrong hand like let's say Selena Kyle, Bruce Wayne, and some others." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Wait did you piss off Batman and Catwomen?" Asked Barry. I looked at him with a threatening look in my eyes. "Did you?" "Fine! Kinda.. yes." I said. "So what are we gonna do first?" Asked Lyra. "I think the best option is to try Gotham first. You never know Bruce saves a lot of things." Said Barry. After moments of talking everybody decided on going to Gotham. "If we're going then we should go in small groups. I say Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and I should go" said Lyra. They all then looked at me for my answer. "Look like I said I'm not going to Gotham City." I said annoyed.


Moments later we're all sitting in a car driving to Gotham City. I sit there with my arms crossed with a blank face. "I hate all of you." I said

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