Chapter 10: "Learning my story."

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I was angry, I felt as if I could not control my inner wolf. I looked behind me and luckily for me Snart wasn't behind me. I don't know why I don't at least hear him out. However, I don't like this, I don't like being or feeling that I'm being controlled, then why am I with Jack? I shook my head and tried to focus on where I'm heading. After I long time of walking and thinking I made it to Star Labs. I walked into the cortex to see everyone looking at something or someone. Barry was in his suit but why..? "Last time why are you here?" Said Cisco "Hey, I'm back everyone..." I trailed off as I saw Lrya and I was in shock. How did she even know that I would be here. Why is she even in Central City. "Ah~ Y/N I hoped you'd be here." Lrya said with a soft smile on her face. "Do you know this women Y/N?" Cisco asked, as he held his hands out in front of him, ready to attack if necessary. I looked at Lrya for a moment before responding to the question. "Yes... Now why are you here Lyra?" I said stepping closer to here. "I'll only talk once everyone is settled and not trying to hurt me." She said sitting done, I looked at everyone and nodded. They lowered there stance specially Killer Frost. She was holding a icicle ready to throw at Lyra. But she dropped the icicle making it shatter on the floor. "You didn't have to drop that Frost." I said smiling because that's just like her not caring. Frost looked at me for a moment and said "It's just iced water Y/N it'll be fine." She said, as she smirked. We all sat down to hear what had to be said. "Now talk." Said Barry still in his Flash suit. "My little wolf, I'm here because you my not understand but I've known you for centuries Asena." Lrya said calmly. "Wh-what does she mean Y/N? Little wolf? Asena? I don't get it." Said Cisco. I looked at him and told him to shut for a moment. "Asena please understand that in the past my name was Sage. You don't remember anything do yo-" "Who's Harley and Eliza?" I said interrupting Lrya. Everyone was silent, all just staring at me. "The twins.. They're your daughters Asena, do you remember anything else?" "Uh.. I thought that we where talking about you and her name is Y/N not.. Not Asena or whatever." Cisco said a little annoyed. "Yes, sorry... Y/N and I are from the medieval times. Same as Leo.. her husband. Their love story was quite beautiful." Lrya said, as she looked as if she was remembering thing. "I don't understand who is Leo and what 'love story' of ours?" I said confused. Lyra reached inside her purse and pulled some crescent moon out.

Lyra handed me the crystallized moon, hoping I would take it

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Lyra handed me the crystallized moon, hoping I would take it. I didn't know why she's giving me this but I slowly took it. "My Queen this is yours.. it was your signature hair pin. Every time we try to get you to remember we always give you this and you remember. Just feel the hair pin.. Look closely at it." She explained as I looked at it. It took me a minute of looking, feeling the little crystals until something happened. Images came to my head, images like the parents, my s-sister. All from the beginning of my time and all my other life times. "H-hello..? Asena? Is that you?" Said a voice. I knew no one in Star Labs was talking so this must mean I'm seeing visions.

It was like I was seeing everything new. I was in a forest near a gorgeous lake, as I watched the moon sparkle with the stars by its side. I turned around and saw Leo.. Oh my god he's alive! I thought I was ready to cry, but why? "Leo? Yes, it's me." I said quietly in case it wasn't. When I saw him I felt my hands begin to clam and my stomach field with butterflies. However, I began to relax a little when Leo smirked. I felt as if he could kill a woman with that smirk of his. "I'm actually surprised that you snuck out of the palace, my Queen." Leo said as he gave my hand a kiss and smiled. "I'm not Queen yet silly. First we have to be married for the kingdom to make us their King and Queen." I giggled. "Yes, about that I was wondering.. we've known one another for years and I think nows the perfect time to ask... um Asena will you m-marry me and be my Queen?" Leo asked, as he went down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I covered my mouth as the sudden surprise hit me. I felt tears fall down in steady streams. "Yes.. Yes Leo." I said and with that he slide the ring on my ring finger.

The vision began to disappear and came with a new vision. In this I found my self sitting on a throne next to Leo. It looked as if it was a coronation of Leo and I becoming the new rulers. All the people seemed to clap and cheer.. except one person, I saw in the far back that a man looked as if he was seeing something terrible. I don't know why.

With that I new vision came it must've been years before I meet Leo. I was only thirteen and I woke up one night. I had a nightmare and my big sister always helps calm me down. When I came into Daciana's room I instantly felt my blood run cold. What I saw I could never un-see... I saw my own sister laying in a puddle of her own blood. I screamed from the top of my lungs and cried. My father and mother ran in and instantly they saw her.. dead.. a note was left next to the knife that was a couple feet away from Daciana's body. I picked it up and on it, it said "She would've made a terrible Queen, and it's all because of her parents! Both of her parents are tyrants. Next time it might be someone else in your family." I dropped the note and cried harder... why did she have to die!!

I then saw my next vision... "I'm done with this just make it stop! Please!" I screamed to myself. I was now seeing that I was holding my daughters.. they where so small and fragile. I began to lose thought of my sisters death and began to feel my heart feel with love for my daughters. As I was going to kiss my perfect babies heads.

I was swept into a different vision. In this the buildings where burning and I was still inside the palace. Looking for my children, as I ran to one room I saw that a man was standing over their bodies. Dagen Arkyn was that man. His sword was dripping blood.. my children's blood! My daughters and sons laid in a pool of blood, like my sister was. I screamed as I dropped to the floor and cried. "Ah, you see this Asena! This is your and your parents fault now! This kingdom was supposed to be mine! Now I might as well take you to hell now." Dagen said as he held his sword ready to swing. I was ready for my death.. To feel the cool blade up against my skin. However, I never felt his blade. I looked to see that Dagen was now headless. I screamed again as I saw his body fall to the floor. "It's okay Asena, it's me." Said Leo helping me up and instantly we began to run. Moments later we found ourselves surrounded by men and their dogs. Leo pulled me close and said "I'll see you in the next life my love." I then felt my blood spill.


I opened my eyes and by now everyone was backed away near Lrya. "W-what hap-" I was interrupted with the emotions flooding back to me. All the happiness and sorrow washing over me. I dropped to my knees and felt my tears come down in rapid streams. "Noo!! My sister, my children! Why, why, why!!" I screamed as all I wanted for the moment was my family. I felt a hand lay on my shoulder and saw that it was Lyra. "Sage.. why..? I just want my children back.. my husband.." I cried into her embrace as she hugged me. After awhile of crying on the floor I wiped the tears away and stood up. Lrya stood up too and looked worried. I held my hand up to stop her and walked into a room to be alone for a minute. As I tried to calm myself I felt more pain. I began to hum a song to calm me down more. At times I accidentally find myself quietly singing to calm me. It took me sometime to stop the tears but eventually my mind began to process that, that was in the past and I started feeling better. I walked back in the cortex and everyone was waiting for me I guess. "Are you okay?" Caitlin asked worried for me. I nodded my head and sat back down. "It's alright Y/N you don't have to tell us Lrya already told us while you where alone. I smiled weakly looking at Lrya. She nodded in return basically say you're welcome. "Now all I need to do is tell every one my truth in this lifetime." I said as I looked up. "Yeah, luckily I'm here to listen now ain't I sweetheart." Said Snart as he walked in.

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