Chapter 1: "You're so slow!"

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"Leo what do we do!? Their gonna find us soon and kill us!" I said, afraid to lose the love of my life. "It's okay Asena, no matter what I love you." Leo said, as he held my hand. We stood for a moment looking at each other until we hard footsteps behind us. "Stop right there King Leo and Queen Asena! This is what happens when you poison my daughter before the marriage of your son and my daughter." Said Asher with men surrounding us ready to kill us. Leo and I stood there ready for what we didn't even deserve. Leo pulled me into a tight hug, kissed my head as the world burned around us. "I promise Asena I'll find you. See you in the next life, my love." Leo says, and as he kissed me I could feel my bleed spill to the cold ground as I feel my life slip away.


"Hey, Barry! Where are you? I'm at the airport." I said into my cellphone, while sitting on a bench waiting for my best friend to pick me up. "Yeah, sorry I'm late Y/N." says Barry as he arrives in front of me. "You know for the fastest man alive you're always late." I say while tapping my foot on the ground. I've been waiting at this stupid airport for two hours. I come from Silas and every once in awhile Barry visits me to keep me company. It's so boring in Silas at times, just the same people, same forest, and well same everything. It's good to be somewhere different and I get to meet new people. Luckily I'll be staying for a week. "Yeah, yeah I get it I'm slow. Now let me take your luggage." Barry says while taking my luggage and speeding off. "You do know I could have got that myse-!" "Nah! It's cool! Now let's go." Barry said while picking me up unexpectedly, and all of a sudden we're speeding off to I'm guessing Star Labs. "There you are Barry!" Said Caitlin, while Barry sat me done. "Oh! So you must be Y/N. Barry has told us so much about you." Caitlin said as she walked up to me to shake my hand. "Yes, I am. I hope it was all good things." I say as I take her hand to shake. I looked to the side of me and saw that Barry was looking around. "Who you looking for Barry?" "Oh! Sorry I was looking for Cisco. Caitlin is he not here today?" Barry says while still looking around. "Yeah, he said he'll meet us later tonight at the bar. Said he's working on something." Caitlin said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Later that day after being shown all of Star Labs we finally left for the bar at 7:00 and got there in a flash. As soon as we got there we found Cisco. "Hey, so you must be Y/N right? I'm Cisco." Cisco said, as we sat around the bar. "Yes, I'm Y/N and it's really nice to meet you. I heard you're working on something can I know what it is?" I ask him. "Oh well I've been working on something for Barry's suit. It's supposed to help warm his body if he gets hit from Cold's gun." Cisco says, which makes me intrigued. "What do you mean by "Cold's gun"?" I ask. "Oh! Well Barry fights This guy named Captain cold from time to time." Cisco says while explaining the rest to me. After having fun with the group for awhile I finally take a break with the alcohol. Right now I'm kinda in the mix of drunk and I'm gonna make an ass out of myself. "I'm gonna be right back okay guys!" I say as my words slur and I get up to leave. I walk past a table of two guys, ones wearing a blue jacket while the other is wearing a brown jacket. I walk past and trip, I expect to fill pain from the impact however, I don't. "Be careful there sweetheart."

Hey I'm trying I different kind of story. Yes I've read dozens of Leonard Snart stories. So I thought well I haven't read a story yet that is somewhat like Hawkguy and Hawkgirl. So no it won't be exactly like their plat line but yet I will have some ideas from their plat line. I hope you like this story and it's plat line. Also yes some of this I do make up as I go.
Ps. No one can tell me Leonard Snart/Wentworth Miller is not hot!😍

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