Chapter 13: "I'll freeze your ass!"

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I wake up and felt something over my body and not just my covers. I looked seeing that it was a blue parka. "Where did this com fro- Ouch!" I said loudly as I felt pain coming from both my face and arms. I jumped up and ran to my bathroom to look at myself. I saw that on both of my upper arms I had bruises and they don't look like it's gonna take a day or two to go away. But then I looked at my face and the left side was slightly swollen and purple. I began to remember what happened to me last night. Jack hit me and slept with another woman. Why am I with him? Why don't I just leave him already.. go back to my real husband... I watched through the mirror as I saw the tears roll out of my eyes. I felt so weak... I don't even know if I can show my face at the wolves ball tonight. Luckily the gang doesn't know so now I can just say I'm sick. I then remembered why I don't ever try and end things with Jack.. The last time I tried to end things with him and let's say that it didn't work and I was left with a terrible gift in return... it took almost five months before I could show most of my skin. I wiped the tears away and took a shower. Maybe the hot water can make my swollen cheek go down a bit. Which I know that ice works better. Before I left the shower I heard a couple small noises in my room. I decided to pay no attention, it just could've been the wind blowing through and knocked something over. I let the last of the tears fall as I dried my body from the water that held on to my skin and hair. I walk into my room with my towel around my body tight so it doesn't fall off. I was just about to go to my closet when I say two new pairs of clothing. One was a dress that I'd wear for a ball and the other was a all black outfit. I decided to try this outfit on and walk towards my full body mirror and looked at myself. I messed with my hair flipping most of my hair towards the left side so it covers most of my face.

I'd admit I look hella hot though

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I'd admit I look hella hot though. I combed through my long hair so I don't look like I'm still asleep. However, I did try and use makeup to cover up my skin turning purple. My arms are fine with this black jacket covering the bruises. I looked at my face and saw that if you look hard enough then you can still see the purple of my skin but it'll do for now. I walked out of my room and walked towards the dining room. My brother, father, Lrya, Barry, and the others where already at the table. So was Jack... When I saw him my paste became slower. I sat at the head of the long table on my right sat Jack and on the left sat my dad. Each of my friends sat opposite from one another. "So how was your night Y/N?" Jack said in a kind voice. But I knew that he was smirking inside from what he did. I could feel my palms begin to clam up. I looked around the room and my father looked worried as for Barry.. he looked like he was gonna hurt someone. "I-I slept great.." I said, as I began to stuff my face with food. My father looked as he knew that something happened but what? Later after breakfast I was just gonna hide in my room until I was pulled into the library. "Please I've ha-" "Y/N it's us." Said Caitlin as I look to see that Barry, Lrya, and Cisco where sitting. "Um what am I doing here." I said, as me and Caitlin took our seats near Cisco and Barry. "A little speedster told us that something happened to you last night." Said Cisco. "Damn it Barry!" I screamed in my head. "What do you mean?" I said acting innocent. "Cut the crap Y/N and tell us the truth." Barry said wanting to know more of what happened. I looked at Barry worried and then dropped my head. I sighed and took my jacket off and moved my hair out of the way. I wiped partial of the makeup covering the bruise on my face off. Everyone except Barry gasped. "What happened!?" Everyone said loudly. I put my hand towards my mouth and held a finger to my lips. Then everyone became silent again. I was nervous to say the truth but I'm in a spot that I have to tell the truth. "I heard a knock on my bedroom door last night so I went to answer it. When I shut the door behind me and turned around instantly I was slammed up against the wall. When I saw who it was I instantly became afraid," I said pausing. "What, Y/N the badass! Afraid? Never!.. Right?" Cisco said hoping that I was joking about being afraid. I shook my head and Cisco began to look more worried. No one has seen me when I looked weak and scared.. Except my dad, Roux, and Lycus. "I saw Jack.. he.. he was angry because I-I brought all of you here with out asking him." I said looking at everyone. "But.. You're the Alpha doesn't that mean that he has to listen to you?" Asked Caitlin. "No, because he's not a shapeshifter. He's just a human.." I said looking at the ground. "Then why do you listen to him or break up with him." Barry said. "Well.. something about him has always made me afraid of him and I did try to break up with him. But it didn't work.. I was beaten and all over my body had bruises. It took my five months before I could dress like this again." I said gesturing to my outfit. Everyone seemed surprised at what I said. "He also told me that all of you have to leave before the wedding because he doesn't want you there." I said sadly. "No way in Hell! I'm not gonna leave you knowing this is going on! You're canceling that wedding." Barry said with rage and seriousness in his voice, as he sat up. "I agree with Barry." "Same here." Cisco and Caitlin said. "And let me guess you tried to tell him that he don't make decisions you do or at least something like that right? So he hit you leaving you with bruises. Hmm?" Barry hissed. I nodded my head slowly. "I.. I think I have an idea.." said Lrya. We all looked at her as she looked up looking like she's trying to hold tears back. "What is it Lrya?" I asked worried about her. "R-remember the man that killed your children?" Lrya said with tears slowly running down her face. I nodded. "Yeah, Dagen Arkyn. Why?" I said concerned. "I think that in this life Dagen is Jack." She said and I could hear the fear in her voice. I understand now why she's scared and crying. In every lifetime he would kill us and get stronger because of our immortal powers. But this time is the last time he tricks me. I felt a tear slip down my face and I stood up. I looked at Lrya with a cold, straight look on my face. "How did we become immortal?" I said. "I cast a spell hours before we all died so we could survive. But I was to late on your children.. By the time I could finish the spell on you, Leonard, and I. You're kids were dead.. I could feel it." She said with regret in her eyes. "I would yell at you for not saving my children first but that isn't going to bring them back. Now how did Dagen become immortal and how do we kill him because when I die this time I want to stay dead. Same as him." I said coldly. "I guess by the time I tried to save your kids the spell instead saved Dagen. However, I have thought about breaking the spell but it would effect all of us who's been under that spell. But we just need a ravens feather, a wolfs claw, and... wolfsbane.." Lrya said. "But that's hard to find Lrya. There's no way we're going to find that remember long ago my grandfather destroyed all of it." I said to her well sitting back down. "Yes... I know. That's the hard part about this but maybe just maybe  there's some somewhere here." Lrya said. "Wait but can't it be somewhere else." Said Cisco. "No, Wolfsbane only grows or well did grow around here but we got rid of them because wolfsbane always weakened us." I said and before I know it Barry speed off and back into the room before you can say 'Flash' "Here, I got the first two ingredients so now that hard part." Barry said setting the claw and feather down on the table. "Thank you Barry I'll just put these away so only I know where it's at." Lrya said walking into somewhat private. That's good to keep it hidden so Jack doesn't know what we're doing. "I suggest that we cover these bruises with makeup and just try and have fun at the ball tonight okay?" Lrya said sitting back down. We all agreed and stayed together all day.

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