Chapter 25: "So what do we do now?"

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I woke up with the sunlight shining through my balcony, as the warmth of the sun hits my skin I felt happy here. I rolled over to see that Leonard was already awake and he smiled at me when I looked at him, I smiled back at him. "Good morning Sweetheart," "Good morning Lenny." I said as I laid my hand on his face. "Did you sleep good?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Yeah, plus you really wore me out last night. Did I ever tell you that sex with you is like an addiction to me at times?" Leonard asked me with a smirk on my face. I giggled and straddled him as I leaned down and kissed him. He grabbed my hips and gently squeezed them as he deepened the kiss. When I pulled away and grabbed me by the neck somewhat roughly yet gently at the same time and I couldn't help but softly moan at this. "You're mine and I'm yours you know that right?" He said softly yet with a bit of stern in his voice. That's one thing that I've always loved about Leonard no matter what life we're in he always made me feel say and he would never hurt me on purpose. "Of course Lenny." I said back softly.

Knock knock

"My Queen breakfast is ready!" My lady in waiting shouted through the door. "Time to get out of bed love." I said as I started to get up. After Leonard and me took a shower we got dressed and went into the dinning hall. "Good morning Y/N." said my father as he smiled warmly. "Good morning everyone," I said back to everyone whom was there. Lenny pulled my seat out for me to sit and I thanked him. "So.. Sis how was last night?" My brother questioned me. "It was good, why?" I asked back as I started to drink from my cup. Everyone at the table was looking at me with curiosity. "Well.. Um Y/N lets just say that you're not as quite as you think you are." Answered Lyra as she looked down at her plait. I started to cough on my drink when I heard what she said. Once I finally stopped coughing I was blushing redder than Barry's flash suit. Leonard was chuckling at my reaction and agreed with them. After that everyone was quit this morning, for a good while the silents was actually kinda peaceful. Berry was the first to break the silents when he cleared his throat. "So what do we do now?" Berry asked as he leaned foreword in his chair. "Yeah, we took down Dagen, saved Y/N, and broke your bond with one another." Said Cisco as he looked at me. Leonard and I looked at each other for a bit and looked back at them. "Well honestly I don't know all I can say for the time being is I will continue to rule my people as a good Queen would. I'd assume that you'll go back to Central City and continue doing what you always do being hero's. For Oliver well I would think the same going back to his own city." I said to everyone. "Ya hear that Snart? We can go back and do what we do best. Stealing!" Mick said joyfully as he stood up from his chair. "I'm not going back just yet Mick." Leonard said back as he watched Mick. Mick turned around to look at Leonard with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean Snart?" "Mick I'm going to stay here for awhile and be with Y/N. I'll be back later on." Snart said back to Mick's question.

Later with in the day Berry and our friends gave us a good bye and went home, same for Mick and Oliver. "He do you mind if you show me around? I never really got a tour I mainly kinda just walked around." Leonard asked me when I came out of the library. I smiled and nodded my head as he walked up and held his arm out for me to hold. "This here is the thrown room which we also have invents hosted in here. For example, the night when we had our first dance in this life." I said as we stopped and let him look around. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder and think about what happened these past months. I couldn't help but think about Dagen's death and how the humanity part of me said to show him mercy however, the wolf said that he needed to be punished for everything he has down to Leonard, Lyra, my children, and me. I couldn't help but to love the feeling of letting the wolf take control and have someone at my mercy, to hear their screams as I devour them. I also couldn't help but think about Leonard.. In this life I have no ideal what kind of person he is and I want to know that. I can't just find him and say that I know him because in different lives we were different then the last. I want to take this time with him slow and to know him as Leonard Snart just as I want him to know me as Y/N L/N. We can't live in our past memories and say we still know everything about each other. "Y/N.. Y/N.." I was pulled out of my thoughts as Leonard was saying my name. "Huh? Sorry I guess I zoned out." I said as I scratched the back of my neck. "I was asking if we can keep going." Leonard said as he started to look at me blankly but I could tell he had some worry in his eye's. "Yeah," I said as I started to lead the way.

The last place on the tour was the garden and it was one of the most peaceful places of the palace. I informed Leonard on some of the flowers in the garden and let him look around as I sat down. The moon began to rise high in the sky and the moonlight shone on me, I closed my eyes as I took in the moonlight. I heard footsteps, looking to the right I saw Leonard walking back to me as he offered his hand to help me up. I gladly took his hand and we began to take a night stroll around the palace. "We should go on a date sometime don't you think Sweetheart?" Leonard asked as we walked through the woods. "Yeah I think that sounds like I good ideal." I said with a kind smile. We stopped somewhere in the woods, I watched Leonard let go of my hand and walk somewhere. "Leonard what are you doing?" I asked confused. "Just give me a second I thought I saw something." He said as he began to look around. "Here it is." He said as he handed me a rose and he had such a cute smile on his face. I smiled softly at his kindness but I couldn't take the rose. "Leonard I appreciate this but.. I don't like roses." I said as I looked at him. "But I thought that roses were your favorite kind of flower." "Yeah that was my past life's favorite flower but not in this one, this one is Lilies, specially red lilies." I said to him, he looked at me and went back to look around. He came back once he found a red lily and handed it to me. I giggled at how he went back to find a flower that I like even if he got it wrong the first time it was sweet.

When we came back to the palace we went into my bedroom and got ready for bed but I couldn't sleep. So I started to write in my journal until I felt tired but then I felt something could run down my neck. "I see you can't sleep." Leonard said as he kissed my neck. I looked at him as I stood up from my desk and sat back down on my bed. "What's on your mind Asena?" He asked holding my hand softly. "It's just I want to get to know you Leonard," I said looking at him. "But you do know me and I know you. So what else would we need to know?" He said confused. "Leonard I want to know who you are in this life not the last. I don't want to live in the past thinking that we are still who we were in our first life. Leonard there may be somethings about us that will never change for example I will always be a light wight. However, all I know about you in this life is that you're a criminal, you're enemies with the flash, your code name is Captain Cold, and that you love me that's it. I want to know more then that Leonard and please only call me Y/N." I said to him with a hoping look. Leonard smiled at me and we talked all night about our current life. I could tell that we were going to take this slow and start at the beginning again and just date for now.

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