Chapter 19: "I hate you!"

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I sat there as he finished his story and I couldn't believe it. He was just a normal kid and he got messed up because of my parents. That can't be true... my parents were good people.. but they had reason to do those things. They tried to protect the kingdom, my sister, and me. I don't understand... why would my parents do something like this. The only thing I understand is that Dagen hates me and Leonard because of my parents. He even killed my sister just to make things fare between one another. Even after killing my parents that killed the people he loved he couldn't stop there, he kills my children, and now he continues to hunt me and Leonard done like its a game! I'm deep in thought until I hear a loud sound, it was the chains lowering the cage that I was hanging in. I watched as the cage lowers while I sit and reflect upon my past, Dagen's past, how I view my first family. Once the cage is set on the ground I'm staring into the eyes of my murderer. "What is it that you want now Dagen?" I said, I just want to be left alone to curl into a ball and wait. "Chain her." He says calmly to his men. I'm grabbed by my wrist and quickly rushed out of my cage whiles being thrown into a different room, as they put cuffs on my wrist. The chains start to roll back into the wall making my arms that's connected to the cuffs raise and I'm left standing up far enough to the point I'm almost standing on my tipy-toes. The back of my shirt is ripped open far enough to expose my whole back. I hear a whip crack and look up with hopeless eyes. Dagen looks into my eyes and smirks evilly and walks around me in circles and cracks the whip making me flinch sometimes. "You asked me what I wanted and this is it, I want to see you slowly suffer and beg for mercy." Dagen said as he watched me, he waited for my response but I gave none. In which I receive a lick on my back, I granted lowly as I felt the hard leather of the whip hit my shoulder blades. "Your whole family are torrents you and Leo less than the others but still.. torrents!" He said as he whipped me again, I hissed at the pain not letting him see my tears no more. What felt like hours of Dagen walking in circles around me, telling me why he hated me and my family whiles whipping me across my back after every sentence. He finally stopped and knelt down in front of me, looking into my blank eyes. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Dagen says watching me carefully. "I hate you..." "What was that? I didn't hear you." Dagen said, I look at him with all the rage and pity I have for him. "I said, I. Hate. You!" I screamed. He smiled and chuckled, he waved his hand and the two men from before uncuffed me, dragged me back to my cage and hung the cage and me high.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

I sat up looking at the window above me and watched the stars twinkle and the moonlight shine on me. It hurt moving but I can manage somewhat, as I watch the night sky all I was left with was thoughts of my husband and dear children. I wonder how my beautiful children would have looked now if the battle of ashes never happened. After awhile a think of my friends and loved ones and began to pray that they are safe.

Leonard's POV

I walk around trying to think what, were, or who could have wolfs-bane. The more I think the more I realize how pissed off I am at myself. I could have just froze Dagen and this would be over with. I'm deep in thought when someone tapped my shoulder making me quickly pull my cold gun out. "Hey, hey! Its just me." Said Selena, as she holds her hands up in defense. I sigh in annoyance, lower my gun and put it away. "What is it Selena?" I said while sitting on a bench. "I'm sorry if I bothered you somewhat to make you annoyed. What did you mean back there though?" Selena said curiously. "What I meant back there was Lyra, my wife, me, and the person trying to kill us are immortal. The only way to break the spell that bonds our immortality is with a wolfs claw, ravens feather, and" "Wolfs-bane.. Okay. I might know just the place to find you that wolfs-bane." Selena says with a devilish smirk one her face.


Hello everyone sorry for not writing as much as I used to I've been having major writers block and been trying to focus on other things in life. At least I'm finally back!

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