Chapter 11: "I'm a shapeshifter"

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Everyone turned around and saw Snart as he walked close to me. "Snart! Why are you?" Barry yelled, as he shoved Snart into the wall. "Now, now Barry I didn't came to start a fight.. not this time at least." Snart said, as he looked over at me and smirked. I felt my cheeks began to warm up when he looked at me. Why though? Barry let go of Snart and he walked to the other side of the room. "So did it work Sage?" Snart said to Lrya, as he laid a hand on my shoulder and looked at the hair pin I was holding. "Yes, it worked my King." Lrya said with a smile. I was confused at what they meant. However, I knew they were meaning if I got my memories back. "Can I ask you something Lrya?" I asked so only she can hear me. Lrya smiled and nodded her head. "Where and who is my husband?" I asked, as she sat done next to me. Lrya looked at me and waited, I guess to see if I remembered or something. By the time she was about to answer me I noticed everyone was looking at me. "What's going on here you two?" Asked Caitlin with the sound of curiosity in her voice. I looked at everyone and before I could say one thing Lrya spoke. "Asena he's here with us?" Lrya said happily. "What does she mean Y/N?" Asked Barry. "Asena's husband is-" "Me." Snart interrupted Lrya. "WHAT!" Everyone yelled, I just sat there with wide eyes and everything. "Leo?" I said quietly, walking towards Snart. He looked at me and smirked. "I tried to tell you my beautiful queen." He said and stepped close to me. I covered my mouth and believed for the first time that this thief is my husband. Before I could move or say anything Snart pulled me by the waist and kissed me slowly. I missed this man so much, I know he could be slightly different from our previous lives. But I'm different too. But I love another now and I'm going to marry that man. I pulled away and took a couple steppes back. Snart looked confused towards why I pulled away. "I... I can't Snart.." I said looking done, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Just call me Leonard for gods sake." Leonard said. I could tell he was getting annoyed. "You can't what Y/N?" Caitlin said confused. "I can't Sna- Leonard... I said before that I'm already going to marry someone. I love him.. and I love you as well. But in this life I.. I found another to love.." I said looking at him and glanced at the ground every once and awhile. "Oh what! Are you fucking kidding me Y/N! You're literally gonna marry that Jack guy!? He don't know you like I do! He can't love you and comprehend your past like I can! But if you so do love Jack then by only fucking means, why should I fucking care anyway?" Leonard screamed as he walked out. Every part of me felt the pain that was in his voice. I know I love Jack but I feel like I just lost a part of me that I only had for ten minutes. I held back the tears that wanted to come out. "Let's just finish this so I can leave." I said as I try to calm a part of me down. "I have never told anyone this before and if you tell anyone else by code of our laws I will have to kill you." I said dead serious. I could see the fear in Cisco's eyes when I said that. While everyone else with serious with me. "Hey what's going on here." Said Wells as he walked in. After having Lrya get Wells caught up with everything I began to tell my other story. "So my parents are shapeshifters," I said, as I let everyone process what I said. "Wait so they can turn into anything?" Cisco said suspiciously. "Not that kind of shapeshifters. They shape-shift into wolfs. By the time I was seven my mother left us. By that time my dad finally took the throne from my grandfather after he stepped down. Meaning that my father was born and was the King Alpha. However, when I became old enough to learn about my abilities, my family and I learned something." I said waiting for encase anyone had questions. "What abilities?" Wells asked. "Some of my abilities included turning my smooth nails into sharpe wolf like nails, like so." I said, showing my hand and making my nails longer and sharper. "Wow! That's cool." Barry said. "Other abilities of mine are I can shift into my wolf form and my werewolf form. When I'm angry my eyes change colors. Like blood red. Also my one of my abilities is that every class of wolves will do what I say." I said, shifting my nails back to normal. "Ohh! You have to show us what you look like in one of your forms please Y/N please!!!" Cisco begged. I sighed and said fine. I stood up and focused on shifting my body structure. I could feel my ears shift and become my wolf ears, I could tell that under my skirt my tell smoothly flowed to the ground. When I opened my eyes I could see everyone was wide eyed except Lrya. Cisco was freaking out! He was literally jumping up and down with how cool he thought I looked. "OH. MY. GOD! You have big fluffy ears, a long fluffy tail! Oh! This is so cool! Also can I say how cool your eyes look with that fur, I mean I never seen anything like it but damn it's cool!" Cisco said as he basically fanboyed. I look at the mirror close by and saw my crimson eyes sparkle, my fluffy snow like fur, and my long white hair. I smirked and sat back down. "I guess I do look pretty good don't I?" I said with a smile. "Girl, you mean badass!" Cisco said and everyone laughed. I shifted my structure and continued my story. "Like I was saying my family and I found out that I was special. Meaning all wolfs are born with unique traits. Some classes are separated by fur color, eye color, structure of tail, size. However, I have all these traits. The average wolf only has one of those traits," I sighed taking a breather and letting everyone process everything I said. "So what class of wolves are you in. Like Alpha, Beta, Omega etc." Caitlin said curiously. "Well I guess what I'd be called is a Great-wolf. Meaning my original wolf form is that I'm... I think 16 feet tall. However, with my kinda class it means that I can shrink my size so I can be a average size wolf. Also by being this class of mine I am rare and some people would love to kill me. That's why we hide who we are to the world." I said meaning both Lrya and I. "Wait so Lrya is a shapeshifter too?" Barry asked. I nodded my head and Lrya smiled. "Yes, well little wolf here's class makes here special to our pack. We could go by and call her by her class but we wolves like to call her. The Queen of Alphas." Lrya said proudly. "What does that mean Y/N?" Said Wells. "It means that I can control any class and they will not defend me. Even Alphas obey my command. For example, Lrya?" I asked so I could demonstrate and she nodded her head. "Lrya..." I trailed off thinking. I looked around and saw Cisco slightly eyeing Lrya. I smirked and knew exactly what to do. "Lrya I want you to go give Cisco..." I began to say and then whispered the rest into Lryas ear. Cisco became wide eyed and stood up quickly scared for what I just told Lrya. Lrya walked close to Cisco and he walked backwards until he ran into a wall. "Lrya whatever she told you stop!" Cisco yelled. Lyra got close again and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Everyone laughed at how Cisco overreacted. "O-oh.. okay, that wasn't that bad." Cisco said finding he's seat as everyone calmed down. Everyone smiled and was impressed that this work. "Many years ago my father stepped down from the throne and I was crowned Queen. Ever since I was young my father was preparing me for when I would be ready to take the rule of Alpha. However, before I could take the role as Alpha I had to go through two trials. The first was to see if I could make sure I can provide for my pack. Hunting the most that I could for them, getting enough supplies for them. Like drinks, cotton etc. Which of course I completed and passed the first trail." I said remembering that at first it was difficult. "And what was the second trail?" Caitlin asked. "The second trail was to see if I was strong enough for my pack, for my role. I had to fight my own father and brother.. And Ocean." I growled the last name I spoke. "Who's Ocean?" Everyone said curiously. "Ocean is Y/N's rival. Those two have hated each other since the first time they met. They've been at each other's throats for years, always trying to show the other up. However, Ocean has always tasted Y/N's dust... but there was one time..." Lrya trailed off letting me finish. "Yes, during the last trail after fighting both my brother and father I was in a rough shape. My knuckles were bloody, I was close to calling it quits. But I didn't.. so I faced my rival. Now I'll be honest she about had me beaten. But I still won even if I had bloody knuckles, a new scar, and now the respect of everyone.. even Ocean." I said smiling knowing that I won fairly. "Wait Y/N what scar?" Barry asked worriedly. I sighed and lifted up the black shirt that wasn't attached to my skirt. Right on my left side showed my scars of three claw marks. "I got these baby's when I fought Ocean. She just had to scratch me on the side of my rib cage." I said and covered my scars. "Damn that must've hurt like a bitch." Said Killer Frost. "Sorry." Said Caitlin. We're used to Frost speaking out randomly. "Trust me it did." I said. "So is that all of it? Do we need to know anything else?" Wells said. "No, not that I know of. But I will be leaving for my home in three days." I informed them. "Oh, and all of you are invited to the wolves ball. We have one every once a year. Just so you know we like to wear masks for fun." Lrya said happily. God what am I gonna do with this happy wolf. I thought to myself. "Well what do you say?" I asked happily. "Yeah, of course we'll go." Everyone said. "Sorry I can't Y/N." Wells told us. "Come on why?" Cisco said. "I'm working on a book of mine." Wells said. The way it sounds like this book is important to him, so I understand. "It's fine Wells if it's important to you then I get it. But for now I'm gonna call it a day. Bye everyone!" I say as I leave the cortex.

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