Chapter 5: "I need your help"

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"I'm just gonna take this okay." I said to the group as I walk off into somewhere private. I look at my phone as it rings and think if I should really take the call or not. After waiting a minute or two I made I decision and I decided to pick up the phone. "What do you want Snart? You're supposed to be in jail." I say annoyed at this. "Ah.. I see you watched the TV.. yeah by the way yes, I put my phone number in your phone and I have yours too. I'd like you to meet me please." Snart said in a somewhat pleased tone. "Why should I? You're a criminal and I have nothing to do with you." I said confidently. "Just.. please Y/N.." Snart said sounding more as he was begging. I thought about it for a moment or two and answered him. "Fine.. I'll be there in 45 minutes okay?" "Thank you sweetheart." He said as I hung up. I walked in the cortex to see that Cisco and Barry are still arguing about what is better. "Hey guys sorry I forgot to grab something earlier I'll be back later okay." I said as I grabbed my bag. "Okay, so ya later Y/N." Barry said, as I walk out of the lab. I left to only one person I know I can trust, even more then Barry.

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"Hey, Joe thanks for seeing me, I need your help." I said as I walked into his office. "Yeah, of course what do ya need?" He asked as he shut the door behind me. I sat down in one of the chairs that sat in front of Joe's desk. "I need to ask for a favor... a very crazy favor." I say as Joe walked to his desk and sat down in front of me. "Look I trust you like my family, heck I consider you my second daughter. So as crazy as this favor could be Y/N I'll help. Just as long as it ain't going to Iron Heights to break someone out." Joe says as he takes a sip of his coffee. I look away from him and sit in silence trying to figure out what to say. "Y/N, no I'm not helping you break whom ever this son of a bitch is out." Joe began angrily. Before I could get two single words out he started asking me why would I want to break someone out of prison. "Joe listen, I don't want to break anyone out of prison. I just.... I have to see.. Leonard Snart.." I say pausing in between every other couple words. Joe stopped sipping on his coffee and smiled. "That's really funny Y/N, but be serious is there any family of yours in Iron Heights or..." Joe laughed as he trailed off. I looked at him seriously as he started to stop laughing. "Why would you want to see him? He killed your sister Y/N." Joe said confidence. "I know but.. I-I slept with him last night. I was wasted and h-he took me to a hotel but nothing else happened. He did p-put his phone number in my phone though.. and he figured out my phone number as well." I said as I looked at the ground. "You slept with your sisters killer? Leonard Snart?" Joe said non-convinced. "Yes!" I said annoyed that he didn't believe me. "Okay, okay Y/N.. I believe you.. but is there anything else you can remember about last night?" He asked. I thought about last night trying to remember anything even the little things. "Well I do remember one thing every once in awhile he would call me by my name and other times he'd call me 'Asena' I don't know why." I said not actually knowing why exactly he called me that. Joe looked towards the floor and looked back up at me. "The name 'Asena' means she-wolf. But why would he call you that?..." he said thinking more. "Yes, that's why I want to go maybe he could help me figure out why he called me that and.. For some reason ever since last night I kept thinking.. Why did he sleep with me?.." I said spacing off every once in awhile. Joe looked at me for a moment before answering me but at least he gave me an answer. "So.. You still want that ride?" Joe said, while slowly walking to the door and grabbing his coat. I smiled and walked out his office with Joe behind. However, before we did leave for Iron Heights I did get a change of clothes.

What you're wearing

What you're wearing

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Most of the drive to Iron Heights was quite

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Most of the drive to Iron Heights was quite. We kept the radio on and I was quite happy because the song 'Hard boy' by Frawley was playing. I sat there humming along with the music. "So why come to me?" Joe said catching me off guard. "What?" I said confused while looking at Joe. "Why come and tell me this? Why not Barry? You two are almost as close as him and Iris." Joe asked as he keeps his eyes on the road. As I started thinking at first I didn't know why I came to Joe. However the more I thought about it then I already knew why I didn't tell Barry. "I came to you because if I would've told Barry he'd flip out because.. Cold is one of his greatest enemies. He would be mad at me, think I'm working with Snart. I knew I could trust you to not tell Barry and to well not be mad at me." I said staring out the window. "Y/N I would never be mad at you special if you were wasted last night." Joe said with comfort in his voice. "We're here, you ready?" Joe said as we came to a stop. We walked into the building and Joe signed us in. "So you here to investigate Detective?" Said the woman at the counter. "Not this time but we do want to see someone. His names Leonard Snart." I heard Joe tell the woman. "You can go on in it'll just take a moment." Said the woman, then we left. After ten minutes of boredom the finally brought Snart out. He looked at me with a smirk as I walked to my chair and picked up the phone that was to the side. "Hello Sweetheart." He said, with that charming tone in his voice and a smirk on his face. "Hello Snart."

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