Chapter 17: "Ohh look who's back! Also can I have a snow cone?"

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"What are we doing?" I asked as we pulled into the gas station. Cisco turned around and looked at me and said, "1. We need gas 2. Get something while we're here if you want." I looked at everyone in the car before I left. "Does anyone need anything while I'm in there." I said pointing to the store. "Can you get me a Sprite?" Barry asked, I just opened the door and got out. "...And Snart." I looked up at Barry as he started. "Yes, Barry?" I sighed. "Don't steal anything." "I make no promises" I said with a smirk and shut the door.


I walked out of the gas station with a bag of sprite, M&M's, and water. As I walked outside I thought I saw a shadow run into the ally. I walked towards the ally unsure what or who I might find. However, I didn't find anything except a ally cat. "Fucking cat.." I said to myself as I sighed. "Ohh! Look who's back! Also can I have a snow cone?" Said a familiar clown like voices. I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed towards the roof top. "No, you can't Clown!" I said looking at Harley Quinn. I could feel a presents behind me, I could see Harleys eyes inch over looking at something or someone else. I heard a crack of a wipe, my hand that held my gun was hit which forced me to drop my gun. "Now, now that's not how you treat a lady isn't it Len?" Asked Catwomen. I looked Over at her after the clown jumped off the roof and landing next to her friend. Damn it why do I have to run into these two! "Hey ladies, long time no see huh?" I say annoyed. "Yes, why haven't you came to visit Len? It was fun having you around." Said Catwomen as she walked around me running her claw like fingers over my shoulders. "Yeah! Plus last time was a real blast." Harley laughed. "Yeah, well I've been busy in Central City." I said watching those two as I picked my gun back up and put it away. "We both know you hate Gotham so why are you here Len?" Catwomen said as she leaned up against the wall. "I need wolfsbane, and I heard that a little bat might have some." I said casually while watching. Both of them looked at each other for a moment in confusion. "Now why would you need wolfsbane, there's no such things as werewolves." Says Harley. "Actually their not werewolves their lycan's clo-" "Who do you mean by 'their' not werewolves?" Asked Catwomen. "Snart! Come on we got to go..." said Barry as he walked to the ally that we're in. "How about we talk somewhere else that's more comfortable huh?" I asked. They both nodded and we left for the car. "Snart why are they coming with us?" Barry whispered to me. "I think they might know where some wolfsbane is. So can you trust me?" I asked Barry. He looked at me as we made it to the car and slowly nodded. "Good."

~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~

We sat down at a café waiting for the clown and cat to come back from changing. 10-15 minutes later I heard click clacking of heels on the tile floors. When they sat down they sat down as Selena Kyle and Dr. Harleen Quinzel. "Nice to see that you got better hiding your identities." I said to them. "Now Len will you answer my question." "What question?" Said Caitlin. "About lycans." Said Selena to Caitlin. "My beloved wife and Lyra here are lycans." I said as I pointed to Lyra. "Ahh! So which one of these ladies are your wife Len." Said Harley with a smile one her face. "No... this is Lyra and Caitlin. My wife is held hostage and is going to die soon." I said looking down at the table. They sat there shocked. "Then why are you here and not saving her!" Selena said a little loader. "Because we're trying to cast a spell so we can stop dying!" I said loader as I got up and walked outside. Why am I here talking to these to when I'm wasting time that I could spend finding wolfsbane.


I woke up in a cage that was hung from the ceiling. Why am I here? What happened? ....Oh! Now I remember.. Leonard told Jake the truth and Jake took me hostage until the wedding. Which is April 20th, and today is March the 12th. I didn't want to move a muscle.. I stayed curled in the corner of the cage. I heard the squeak of the door opening but I didn't look to see who it was. "Oh! So you're awake good!" I heard the man say. I know that voice that's Jakes voice. "Answer me when I'm talking to you bitch!" Jake shouted. "What do you want with me Jack?" I said a little annoyed but trying not to sound like it. "What I what from you? I want you dead! I want to see your blood spill from your throat! As I watch you die as I taste your blood from my blade!" Jack screamed with a psychotic look in his eyes. "What made you hate me so much!" I yelled back at him. I could feel his eyes on me, watching to see my every move, my every action. However, I won't let him see that he would get to me. "Hate you.... I.. don't hate you Asena. I used to love you my dear she-wolf. Now what I actually hate is your family, I was best friends with your father. When I met him I saved his life before he became king. However, your father did something or more to betray me. So I had enough and thought that what I'd do would change them. But it didn't so I decided your family's fate for myself.

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