February 14th, 2021

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Dear Diary,

Today is a holiday that I have always had a distain for but because of my uncles passing last year I hate it even more. In four days is my uncles birthday, he would have been 62. So not gonna remark about the holiday.

But here is some happier news, my boyfriend finally got a new job (he was fired at his previous one) he started on the 5th of February. So that is a move in the right direction for him. He kinda is stressful and panics when he has nothing to do so him working helps provide a much needed distraction for him.

My girlfriend and I talked yesterday and she wants to see about getting put on an anti-anxiety medication such as one I am on (I will not be saying what I take but her and I will match up with our medication fully, as in both anti-depressant and anti-anxiety). Which is a great thing for her. Her doctors was much more depression focused when approaching her mental health and neglected to realise that she also has anxiety. Her just talking to me about it is a huge step for her. She also has been doing better with talking to my boyfriend and I (I won't use names because of privacy for them).

To be exact they both have improved with talking to one another about our issues. I just... I have just been sorta shutting down a bit.

I only have four of my anti-depressants that are also my anti-PTSD attack medication. My girlfriend and I are on two different doses and hers are the capsule so I can't take hers in any fashion. So I am kinda on edge. My pills have to last me until this Friday when my boyfriend gets paid. So I am skipping days and taking my anti-anxiety a lot more often. Which isn't fun.


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