June 9th, 2022

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Dear Diary,

We are homeless again for the eighth time in five years. We never seem to catch a break. It isn't fair but oh well I suppose.

So let's do a huge update (hopefully this means a longer entry).

I was living with my now ex-fiancé and girlfriend but they kicked me out illegally and denied me entry to the apartment. I got stuck at my aunt's (old abuser who I call ma) place as James took advantage of the fact that we go to ma's place every Saturday to see ma and her cats (mainly the cats and she knows that).

Ma and us have had a really rocky relationship in the past. I mean, in our previous diary we didn't talk highly of her. It was bad then. But we are not giving up on each other. When we were in Terrelle State Hospital we had called ma to see if she had our birth certificate and social security card. She had our original and she was willing to mail it to us if we needed them badly.

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