Bonus (Surprise!)

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I rushed to tie my bow tie. Everything had to be perfect for him. Because he was perfect, and he was my everything. He was my savior, my friend, my partner, my reason for living.

A figure approached behind me and tilted their head.  "You missed a spot."

I made eye contact with him in the mirror. "Shut it, Wilson."

The man who had come to be one of my closest friends chuckled. "I know you did not just say that to the best man."

I scoffed and turned to him. "I'm not asking you for help."

"Bold of you to assume I would give you help even if you asked."

He waited with me in a peaceful silence as I figured out how to fix the tie. My metal hand fumbled for a bit which made the struggle worse. I eventually emerged victorious though.

I stared at my left hand for a moment. That's where the ring would go. On a hand that caused so much death and pain and destruction. Sam placed his hand on my shoulder.

"If you tell him any of your thoughts on that arm he'd blame himself, you know."

I nodded. "Yeah, but we never get what we want, do we?"

Sam shrugged. "I'm still pissed I couldn't fly you in with my wings."

"You know I hate heights."

"Precisely why it was a great idea."

I waited at the alter nervously. The ceremony was small, after all we only had friends. We had outlived all of our family.

Natasha sat in the front row and took a picture of me using the brightest flash setting she could. She laughed when I scowled at her.

Tony had locked up the place as secure as possible. He still dealt with some anxiety and PTSD, but I think deep down at his core he just wanted today to be perfect.

And it was.

My heart fluttered as soon as I saw Steve making his way down the aisle. He wore a beautiful blue that captured his eyes and hair gorgeously. He was real, he was with me.

We joined hands once he made his way up and never took our eyes after one another.

I know we said vows, but I can't remember the words. I only remember the feeling. After lifetimes and lifetimes of causing death and pain I finally felt at piece. The quiet ringing that was always in my mind ceased. And it was just Steve.

That's all that mattered. This moment. He was real. And he was safe.

He gently grabbed my metal hand and looked me in the eye before nodding reassuringly. Steve slid the ring onto a fake finger and grabbed the same hand tightly.

"New beginnings," he whispered, and gently placed a kiss on the cold metal.

We didn't hesitate for a second after the priest said "you may kiss-". He didn't even finish his sentence before I was dipping Steve and holding him tightly.

I didn't want a priest originally but yknow Steve. Raised catholic, and still surprisingly catholic today. It's what he wanted, and I couldn't say no to his face.

I held onto his hand tightly that entire night. The cake was cut and I got to slam some at Steve's face. His laughter afterwards was the most beautiful sound I've heard in a while.

I may have also thrown a few pieces of cake at Sam.

At the end of the night, Steve took my metal hand once again and lead me to the small dance floor. I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips as he started to sway us back and forth.

Soft trumpets played in the back as the lyrics sang "haven't felt this way my dear since, can't remember when. It's been a long, long, time."

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