эпилог (Epilogue)

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Tony stared at me, as if I had just asked him to discover a new element or something. "You want me to what?" He sounded exasperated.

"Paint over the Star. Something to match Steve, maybe. I hate having this symbol on me." I glanced down at my right arm, despising the sight of it.

Tony shook his head. "I'm not an artist-"

"Really? I thought the great Tony Stark was an expert in everything. Wow, I didn't know that a little request of a painting or sticker was so out of his ability." I snickered, knowing that he would take the shot to his pride as a challenge.

"Give me two hours, come back after that and I'll have a sticker for you, you dumb ass."

That was the start of a new beginning. A new life, one where I wasn't a monster or under somebody else's control. I was free, able to think for myself and exist without having to harm others.


Every morning I woke up to Steve. His gentle kisses or his muscular arms holding me safely. How had I gone without this for years?

He helped me remember and told me things that had slipped my mind, particularly of things that happened in the 40s. We joked about getting married or dating, but there were laws. He saw people on the streets get called slurs before being beaten up. He was too frail to help them, and I wouldn't let him.

He knew I was gay for a long time apparently. Longer than I've ever known.

Steve sat at his desk, drawing something. I quietly walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was still careful of anything to do with my metal arm and I didn't let it get too close to any of his vital organs. I rested my chin on his and watched him work away.

A lesson Steve taught me was how you are in charge of your fate. If I were to choose to wallow in self pity that would be my fault. So I chose light, happiness, love. Steve.

He took my hand and gently turned me to face him. He gave my hand a light kiss and smiled up at me before looking down at his pocket.

"Hey, Buck, I gotta question," he whispered.

Dusk floated through the curtains and outlined his face perfectly. He was the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. His gentle smile and his jawline, not to mention his eyes. I almost didn't hear what he said.

"Yeah, Stevie?"

"I love you," he smiled softly.

"I love you too," I kissed his cheek.

I had remembered most of my life for two years and I was extremely soft for Steve ever since.

"Will you marry me?" The words sat in the air when I noticed a small box sitting in the palm of his hand.

Steve. Steve was always the answer. He helped me choose love and hope and light. He taught me how to change myself and make the best out of a situation. And I learned that I could never be a part from him. He was the yin to my yang. The light to my dark.

I kissed him and held him close, afraid of letting go.

My hand reached in the cold, searching for something. It found Steve's.

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