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I felt weight slam into my side, shoving me against the wall. My arm was kicked and I felt the cold metal or the gun vanish.

My arms were pinned behind my back, shoved into the place between my shoulder blades. I gasped, more so out of surprise than pain.

"You are not doing this to me again," Steve whispered into my ear. He sounded so furious.

I kicked back at him. He dodged. I tried to spin around. He held his position. He knew every move I was going to make before I made it.

"Bucky, I thought we could help you. I know we can help you. But you have to cooperate. You can't keep pulling these stunts. I fought hard for you to be allowed this privilege-"

"I," I growled back "am being treated like a wild animal. You call this a privilege? They lock me in a cage, they treat me like an excitement-"

"Bucky," Steve said quietly.

"Do you know what I've gone through? Do you know what my handlers did to me? Do you know what they're going to do to me when they find out that I am cooperating with the enemy?" I was terrified. I knew they'd kill me at the very least.

Steve gently sat me down and shook his head at some armed guards that were training their guns on me.

"Bucky, let me help you. Forget about them. I can make new arrangements. You can be close to me and you can have a real bed and you won't be stuck in a cage. Alright?"

I sighed and stared at him. He was genuinely trying to be nice. "You trust I won't hurt you when I'm not in a cage?"

Steve leaned across the table. "I trust you."

Steve and the smart man had fought over it. They had left me in the room, but I could hear the arguing through the walls.

I know that I didn't want him near me, but Steve made me feel safe. It was overwhelming pressure when he was near me to remember him, though. I preferred to be distant yet vigilant.

I shuddered. Something felt...off. Perhaps I was reminded of being constantly guarded while on Hydra premises. Or, it was the familiar stare of the one guard.

I walked up to him, maintaining eye contact. I carefully leaned in and whispered Russian in his ear, something along the lines of 'Don't worry, this is apart of my plan'.

When he responded in Russian, I knew he was a secret intelligence.

I growled at grabbed his neck with the metal arm. My real arm reached into his ear and pulled out his communications, which I recognized as Hydra. I slammed him against the wall and watched as he squirmed.

"Tell me how you're here. How many of you? Why? What's the plan?"

He started to choke, and I watched his mouth foam. "Hail hydra."

I let go of the man and watched his body sink back to the floor. Steve and the smart man burst back in.

"Bucky! What are you doing?" Steve yelled and rushed over. The smart man was now in some sort of armor. He was yellow and red and flying. I growled.

"You have double agents working for hydra." I said and sat back down.

Steve looked at the body and then back to the smart man. "Tony, this...this is an issue."

"What's an issue? Your lover here killing our agent or the fact that maybe, just maybe, he's telling the truth?"

"We have to trust him, Tony," Steve stepped up.

"After that stunt he pulled earlier with the gun? I'm not buying it. Not one bit. He's going back to his assigned quarters-"

"But me back in that cage and treat me like they did and I will personally break your neck." I suddenly growled.

Tony, I guess that was the smart man's name, look at me and opened his mask. "What did you just say to me? Do you wanna take this outside? Rogers, hes unstable."

"He's provoked! Do you know what it's like to been through what he's been through."

My head started to pound. "I remember the train." I said without warning.

Steve looked at me worriedly before begrudgingly turning to Tony to finish his argument. "See? He's remembering new stuff every day. He's getting better. And if I'm there to help him 24/7-"

"Fine, Rogers. Keep him. Do whatever you like. But if he hurts anyone on this base, if banner hulks out, of something gets destroyed, then it's on you." Steve nodded.

Tony left and Steve looked down at me. "The train? Just the train?" I nodded. Truth is, I didn't want to tell him the horrors that happened afterwards.

My Name Is Bucky Where stories live. Discover now