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Something seemed to click in my brain. It happens often. When I'm in trouble. But it used to be when I had a mission.

I'm still me. Meaning, I have feelings. I don't necessarily want to do the things I do, but I know I have to.

It's like a wild, savage animal takes over my body and control my actions. Terrifying to see, even more terrifying to be.

My arm ripped out from its restraints, the right one followed. The crying man's eyes widened.

I rushed out of my chair and attacked him, punching him with my left hand and tackling him to the ground. I kept punching and grabbed the pistol from his holster before going to escape.

I felt a shock on my back. I should've checked the surroundings. My body shook as the voltage burned me. I cried out in pain and tried to grab the wire that stuck through me.

You can no longer contain me. I am not your pet.

I knew that I was going to pass out, but I had to go out with a boom. I pulled the rope towards me, and consequently, the boy at the end of the line.


I punched his face and rammed him into the wall. Captain America slammed my head into his shield from behind. Everything went dark.

I'm sick of shit going dark.


"Buck!" A young blonde boy smiled at me from across the schoolyard.

I smiled and hugged him tightly. I knew him well. We were friends.

The boy nodded. "I just finished my history exam, and then I went into the hallway and saw Jean McAlaster beating up Little Johnny. So I intervened."

I sighed. "You gotta stop picking on people bigger than you, Stevie. You're too sick for it to end well."

The boy shook his head. "You'll always be there to rescue me."

And I always was.


I woke up again. This time I was in a glass confinement. This wasn't bullet proof glass. It was stronger than that.

I couldn't move. Great. If I had just stayed in the mission none of this would've happened. I would be back at base and I would be...safer than this.

My eyes scanned the room. I didn't know it. But did I actually expect to? There were guards at each entrance and some attack dogs.

I chuckled lightly. One of the guards looked at me and pointed his gun at my head.

"It's funny," I growled "that you think I haven't killed the same number of guards doubled before." I wasn't speaking to the guard, I was speaking to the man who refused to show his face sitting behind me.

"Ah, you caught me. So what will it be then? Hm? You gonna break out? Kill me? Run away again from your...whatd you call them? Handlers?"

I yanked against my restraints, but they stayed strong. "Falcon."

He chuckled and walked to the front of the cage. "You're lucky he still thinks you're a bit sane. Because if you weren't so important to him, I'd have killed you ten times over again."

I tried to launch at him, but the restraints pulled me down and shocked me. I cried out in pain and thrashed around.

"Who's him?" I asked breathily.

"Captain America. Steve..." falcon looked at me.

I knew he expected a reaction, but I stayed calm. I knew what was happening. This man used to be important to me, before they took my brain and fried it to mush.

I took a deep breath. "I am not Steve's friend. Steve's friend died on that train." I gasped, not even knowing that I had knew that. My head started to pound and I screamed. I screamed louder than I think I ever have.

"Stop it!" I heard Captain America's voice from somewhere in the room. "You're hurting him!"

"I didn't touch him!" Falcon yelled and tried to control me.

The memories were too much. Too much at one time. I screamed and thrashed around until it seemed to turn off. The animal came back.

I stared at my new prey.

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