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I sat next to Matt in the stuffy courtroom. There were too many noises. The shuffling of papers or the stifling of a cough made my hands twitch. They handcuffed me with a special "power draining" handcuff. They didn't know that my metal arm wasn't anything supernatural.

The judge stood high and mighty above the rest of us. The jury talked quietly to my left. It was mostly younger people, with an even number of men and women. I was glad that they had to pick people who didn't know me. It'd be easier for them to sentence my to death that way.

Matt started the trial when the judge allowed it. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, your honor, Sergeant James Barnes, or Bucky as I will refer to him as this trial, is a veteran of World War Two. He served for this country and risked his life multiple times for us and for our freedom. He did end up giving his life for this very cause. He was tortured, brainwashed, and studied against his will by the enemy who would not let him die. Ask any soldier and I'll guarantee that is one of their fears. Bucky fought hard against HYDRA,the nazi organization that held him hostage, for the long time of five years. For five years he fought against killers who took his Brian and turned it into mush. He is just as much of a victim as any of the people lost to the crimes of HYRDA."

The other judge said his opening statement and when he spoke the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something was wrong.

Run. Run go now. Now. NOW. Not safe. Not safe.

My instincts screamed at me, willing me to run. But the logical side of me knew I'd be met with a billet to the head. Steve was seated right behind me. He's either get hit or witness it. So I stayed calm.

"Id like to bring Steven Rogers to the stand," Matt said, his head cocked upwards slightly as if he were listening to a voice only he could hear.

"Captain Rogers, how would you describe your relationship with Bucky Barnes?"

Steve stared at me, furrowing his brows as if conjuring a memory. "Bucky and I were closer than close. We were inseparable. He came from a better off family, not rich but not dirt poor like I was. I was the skinny, sickly kid who had no friends and nobody to talk to. And then Bucky came along as if he were some kind of protector sent by god. After my parents died, we moved in together. He helped me learn to cope and how to stick up for myself. He eventually was drafted in the army, even though he told me he volunteered. He always put on a brave face for me that way. Anyways, after he was drafted, he continued to try and talk to me. He wrote me letters all the time and made sure I was okay. Then one day the letters stopped. I had become an Captain America, or more like I had become the super soldier, at this point. While giving a speech I learned of what happened to the men in his squad. When I found him, he was laid on a test table with scars running up and down his cheeks and forehead. They had done something to him, even then. And I should've known they had more plans for him. I should've jumped off the train after him-"

Matt stiffened. Steve has said something wrong or something too much. "No, Captain Rogers. No more questions. Please sit and have a drink of water."

Steve stared at me, his eyes speaking of pain and longingness. I knew that day on the train was replaying in his head over and over again. It haunted me to. But he had the innocence of not being with me when the cut the rest of my arm off. Or when they kept me awake during surgery.

Natasha was called to the stand. I clenched my jaw just thinking about how terrible she would make me look. Then again, she was an assassin too. That's on her.

Matt stared at Natasha. He's creepy that way and I'm not sure he's blind. "Miss Romanov, you were also trained by HYDRA. Would you please explain to us their training rituals?"

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