пять (5)

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I punched the glass. Just once. Had it get it out of my system. I watched Captain America stand up to the control booth for the cage. He pressed a button and something slithered around my left arm. I stared at it as the power seemed to drain from me.

It wasn't just the arm. Everything slowly started to feel weaker. How come a glass cage, of all things, was able to contain me? Nothing could. I've trained for this moment. Yet, I couldn't move. Or I didn't want to.

I played the scenarios in my mind. If I had kept the hydra tracker on me, I could have agents over here right now. It was obvious I didn't know the territory well enough. In fact, I didn't even know where the hell I was.

I realized how greasy my hair had become. I was a mess. But I couldn't focus on that. My kind drifted to the way I was treated like an animal wherever I went.


Captain America?

I'm not a savage. I'm a person! I used to be a person...

Captain America stared at me. "Buck, please listen to me. This is not who you are! You are not this...this monster."

I growled back at him. I hated that word. Buck. I hated that word. Monster. I was both, and yet neither at the same time.

"I don't want you to stay in that...that...unit, but I can't trust that you don't attack me."

I cursed him out in Russian.

Falcon stared at me. "Great. You broke him, Steve."

Captain America looked back at falcon. "Stop it! He's not a thing, he's a person. I know him."

"Maybe you knew him. He's not the same guy who would risk everything for you, Steve."

I chuckled and swung my head back and forth gently. This was so idiotic. I shouldn't be here. I should've left when I could've. "You are children," I growled.

"He speaks," falcon replied. I spat at him, even though my spit ran down the glass wall.

My head started to throb with pain. I screamed and kicked at the floor. It hurt. It hurt it hurt it hurt too much. I couldn't concentrate.

Steve stared at me. "Bucky? Buck! Get him out of there! Open it!" He reaches for the latch but falcon pulled him back. The two fought.

"He's too unstable," the first man whispered. He wore a white coat.

"He's too valuable!" The second man countered. He wore a army uniform. I knew that uniform. That uniform tried to kill me.

Without thinking, I lunged at the man and tried to strangle the life out of him. Damn, I was close. I was so close.

Something was shot into my neck and I was shoved in a glass tank. It got cold. I got knocked out.

I screamed again and tried to rip my arm free. "You're like them!" I dug all on my weight into the floor, trying to break it. "Let me out!"

Steve and falcon kept fighting each other without throwing punches. Almost like they were both playing defensive. Or an aggressive game of keep away.

When I screamed Steve turned to look at me. Pain reflected across his face as he reached for the handle. Falcon yanked him back and pinned him against the wall.

"Think, man! This is a deadly assassin that almost killed me and you multiple times!" Captain America struggled to get out without hurting his friend. "If you open that cage he is going to kill you!"

I screamed again. "Steve!"

Steve ripped away from us friend and grabbed the latch before he yanked it open. I smirked.

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