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Sam flew through the air, taking out different drones and dodging bullets that flew in his direction. Steve ran in the ground, matching the birds pace, and flung his shield upwards. Sam twirled before launching the shield at a robot and watching it bounce back down to Steve.

I was sitting down in a chair watching the two men train. I was invited to join and even keen on it but Steve protested. He said my arm was not in any condition to train and that he wanted me to avoid anything that would bring back memories of the trial or the mission gone wrong.

I had not seen any other signs of the devil which was good. I don't know why he followed me or who he was but I know that he was bad news.

Steve huffed out some words to Sam who laughed full heartedly. I tossed Steve a water bottle as he approached and threw one off into the grass for Sam.

"Cmon man," he sighed.

I smirked. "Sorry. It's the arm. Got such bad aim with it."

Sam raised his eyebrows sarcastically at me as both men drank their water. Steve smiled. "You up for a challenge?"

The bird nodded. "One on one?" Steve nodded. "You're on."

The way I understand it is that they had done this many times before and already had a set amount of rules. They did not fight to injure but to inconvenience, basically to pin the other guy down or make him stop.

Natasha strolled over to me as Steve and Sam took their places in fighting stance. "My money is on Wilson," she stayed and planted a kiss on my forehead. It felt weird.

Steve was watching. I felt something burning from his eyes and into my skull. Sam came at him quickly but he dodged, getting his focus back on the game. Steve threw a punch at sams shoulder and swept out his legs. Quickly, Sam kicked himself back up before launching into the air and getting to the other side of Steve. Steve prepared his shield as he charged, punching at sams chest.

Sam stumbles back for a moment before leaping into the air and trying to get on Steve's shoulders. The only issue is that Steve is so massive it's hard to get on top of him. Sam got struck by the shield instead and went flying into the underbrush. Steve looked back at me, scanning my face for something.

Natasha walked over to Sam and Steve, telling them something important. They were huddled around each other in some sort of circle so I couldn't read their lips. When the three came back to me I stood up.

"Nat and I are going on a mission," Steve said. There was some emotion in his voice that I couldn't pin.

I nodded. "Okay. How long?" I looked at him and then at Sam.

"Only a day or two. I'll be back as soon as I can, Buck. I promise." I smiled slightly and gave him a nod.


Sam and Matt watched, or in Matt's case, stood, behind a glass wall while tony got me hooked up to some new medical equipment. Since we weren't able to do a scan of any sort, Tony decided he could try to get an artificial picture of my brain using a sonogram.

Sams brows were furrowed as Matt spoke. For some reason, I trusted Sam a lot. He was extremely loyal and shared all the values that Steve did, which meant he was good. He may not like me but he was there for me and I appreciated that.

"Okay, Barnes, you're gonna feel the gel. It's cold, but you'll be fine."

My hair was pulled out of my face and my real arm had wires coming out of it. I felt like I was back at HYDRA. The gel sent a chill down my spine as Tony looked into my head. Suddenly, an image of my brain floated in the air next to the bed I was laying in.

Tony moved his hands around in different ways, turning my brain and enlarging parts of it. "There," he said to himself. "Did they put a device in you? Like a computer."

"I always thought it was good old fashioned brainwashing," I mumbled.

Tony started messing around again, typing stuff that seemed to send signals into my body. I watched and different parts of my brain lit up as he played around with it. He poked the wrong spot and I screamed in pain.

"Harder," the trainer commanded. I complied, punching the man as hard as I could and throwing him into the air.

More came at me from all different sides. They were meant to be killed. Merely specks in HYDRA's bigger mission. I picked up a man and threw him into the body of another. They both fell onto concrete with a thud. One came from behind me and put his arms around my throat. I dropped onto my back and used the weight of my metal arm to crush him.

"Good. Continue, soldat."

A woman shot at me, barley missing my shoulder. I jumped onto a ramp and pursued. I took our a knife, taking out her knees before sliding under her and cutting her inner thigh. I picked her up and threw her off the platform onto another agent.

"Excellent training, soldat. We are done for the day."

Sometimes, in the early days of training, the winter soldier did not listen. The animal continued, launching people and things out of its way. I got to the commander and punched him down before opening the door and trying to run free.

I was met with tasers all over my body, shocking me in whichever way possible. My command words were screamed at me as I tried to fight off their attack.

"Stop it, Stark!" Sam demanded as I continued to cry out.

"I don't even know what I did!" Tony searched everywhere in my head for some way to shut it off. He didn't know you can't turn off the memories.

Matt was standing above me, almost as if he was watching me and seeing into my memories. "Tony, make it stop."

"Yeah I would if I could, Elle Woods," Tony worked quickly, getting even more worried as the minutes passed.

It seemed like an hour had gone by before my brain stopped blinking and I could think straight.

"HYDRA," I muttered. "Mission..." I attempted to get up but Sam gently pressed me back down.

"Which Bucky is this?"

"He said," I gasped for air, "he's gonna get me. Track..."

"Finish the sentence, Bucky," Matt said. "Cmon, do better."

"Tacked in my head." I took a breath. "They've always been watching."

Silence floated over the men. I wanted to curl up into a ball and die and suffer what all of my victims had.

"Call Rogers," Tony whispered.

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