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Steve didn't come back. His comms were broken or jammed or something. Tony wasn't able to track them. Natasha and Steve were off the grid.

He's probably dying.

You'll never see him again.

"Bucky," Sam said gently. He had been keeping a close eye on me. "You okay?"

Bruce had offered to try and fix my arm. I sat on a table in a medical lab rather than a testing site. It felt nice to be a patient rather than a lab rat.

"Steve," I said quietly. "What if he doesn't come back?"

Sam nodded and gently put a hand on my good shoulder. "We're gonna get him back. No matter what."

Bruce gently touched my metal arm. "Okay Bucky, I think what I need to do is reconstruct the metal around the damaged areas. It shouldn't be too hard, but you are gonna need to go under anesthetic."

"Sam stays." I said.

Bruce nodded.


The surgery went well and I was able to recover quickly. I think HYDRA gave me an advanced metabolism when they experimented on me.

I sat in Steve's room, wearing his shirt as I talked with Sam.

"We're going to get him, right?" I asked shakily. I flexed my metal arm back and forth, feeling it's motion and movement.

"It's been a week. As soon as you're ready, we're going for him."

I nodded. "Let's go tonight."

"Bucky, you wanna go tonight?"

I nodded. "If you're ready, I think it's been too long. And comms are down."

Sam nodded. "I know Steve and nat can handle themselves but they may need help."

Suddenly, Steve's phone rang. He had left it for me to use in case anyone needed to call. It was Matt's phone number.

"Bucky," he said when I answered. "I am working on your case a bit more and I need you to stay in the compound."

It's like he was listening to me. I looked around the room and through the windows. There was no possible way he could've...

"Okay, I'll do my best." I hung up before he could say another word.

Sam looked at me seriously. "Get geared up. We'll take a smaller jet. They're out somewhere in Canada."

"HYDRA?" I asked.

Sam sighed. "No clue."

Sam flew the jet to Steve and Nat's last known location. I sat in the seat next to him, trying to calm my heart. The winter soldier had gone into battles many times, so why was it so hard for Bucky to?

Sam must've felt my nerves. "Don't worry, man. If we see any HYDRA, my first priority is to get you out. You can come back to the jet and you'll be safe. Okay?"

I nodded and glanced out the window as we reached our target area. A series of warehouses served as an operation for a lower ranking HYDRA subdivision. My head pounded as I recognized this unfamiliar place. Sam landed the jet and we prepared ourselves to rescue Steve and nat. Steve had a tracker in his shield and nat kept one in her belt at all times.

The ground was soft under our feet, meaning we would leave tracks. We needed to move now and move fast if we wanted to get our friends and get out. Something in my gut told me to run and hide. I think sam felt it to, but if he did he said nothing.

The tracker led us to a building on the outermost corner of the base. Sam kicked down the door and I covered him while we swept the area. I heard moving and motioned to Sam.

Sitting in the back corner, chained up and bleeding, were Natasha and Steve. I ran over to them and started to free Steve, feeling my heart rate rise.

Leave now. NOW

Steve fell into my arms heavy. He was breathing but very tired and weak. "Buck?" He muttered

"It's okay," I promised him. "I'm here."

"No," he muttered. "It's-"

He was cut off by an explosion to my left. I covered his body with my own in order to protect him. "Get back to the jet, Bucky!" Sam called as he shot in the direction.

HYDRA officers swept down on us with crossbones in their mix. He smirked at me. Natasha was in better shape than Steve was and was able to lift him up to higher ground and away from the fight.

Stay away from crossbones.

I was able to take out many agents as I ran away, pulling Sam with me. He shot at crossbones, trying to subdue him, but the armor he wore was too strong.

A guard jumped on me from above in the rafters. I used my metal arm to punch him and throw him back onto his comrades. I shot at any agents that came towards us when there was another explosion up ahead. They were trying to box us in.

"You need to fly!" I yelled at Sam. "Get Natasha and Steve and get out of here!"

He didn't acknowledge my order and instead took out two officers approaching up ahead. I had lost sight on rumlow and focused on taking out the immediate threats. No matter how many I took down, more showed up.

"Cut off one head, two more take its place," I muttered to myself before picking up a new agent and slamming him into the wall. He kicked me in my face and tore at the ridges of my arm.

I screamed in pain before flipping him onto his back and kicking the wind out of him. I punched at some more soldiers before running back for Sam.

"They're in the jet. We need to go," he said as he shot an officer behind me.

I nodded and took out a guy to my left. Another one started shooting at me and quickly lost his gun. "Go now!"

Sam flew ahead of me, shooting out agents in my path. He got out of a treelike when another explosion caused trees to collapse, shocking me for a second and blocking my path.

I went to slide under the trees when a metal fist shoved me backward. "We're not done with you yet, soldier." Rumlow smirked with his gross skin showing.

He threw some sort of shockers at me, which I dodged. I knew all of his moves. He readied his fists and tried to hit me when I got close enough. I ripped a piece of his armor off and punched a dent in it.

He started to say the trigger words. I get dizzy, but a piece of me kept my going. I punched at his face and shot at his armor while he tried to speak. I tuned him out and focused on my breathing.

My head stabbed me. I felt like I was going to pass out. Agents came circling around me while he kept repeating the words. "Ready to comply, soldier?"

I tried to kick an agent off of me but I was becoming weak. I thought I was going to die from the pain in my head. I couldn't feel my head or my legs anymore.

"The great winter soldier," rumlow sneered, "defeated by a few men. Left without his captain, and abandoned by all else. This is your home, soldier. Stop forgetting it."

My breathing got heavier. Memories flashed before my eyes as I screamed in pain. Rumlow laughed at me and barked orders to the men holding me up. They were going to bring me somewhere to turn me back into the brain blended murderer. No. No I couldn't.

"My name is Bucky Barnes. And I'm not forgetting that you asshole. F*** off!" Everything went dark.

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