пятнадцатый (15)

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I don't know what happened. Truly, I don't. All I know is that I woke up, pinned to the ground with a broken cement brick next to me.

I groaned and tried to get up, only to find that my metal arm was trapped under tons and tons of cinderblock and other metals holding it down. I kicked out my feet, trying to get a grip to stand.

Steve stood in front of me, only illuminated by a faint light through a shattered window somewhere. SHIELD agents were behind him, cleaning up the mess and taking Rumlow.

I groaned and tried to stand up again, ultimately failing. "What...happened?" Steve's shield was lying about three feet from him, his mask was torn off, and he had a huge bandage on his shoulder.

"Buck-" his voice quivered. He couldn't even finish his sentence. A hand placed itself on his shoulder. I figured the hand belonged to Natalia, or as everyone had been calling her, Natasha.

She stepped forward. "Steve, you can talk to him. He's back."

Steve came to her side, staring at me with pain on his face.

"What did I do?" I whispered. I didn't see the bird anywhere and there was blood on the floor. "What did I do?" I commanded to know. I told them they should've never taken me on this mission. I told them I was trouble. If I killed Sam-

"You engaged Rumlow," Steve looked aggravated, "dammit, Bucky, why can't you just listen to me?" I was caught off gaurd by his tone, but then I remembered the train, and how he'd blamed it on himself. 

"Did I kill anyone?" I attempted to sit up, but the restraint tugged me down.

Steve shook his head. "I told you not to engage. Bucky, what if I lost you? What if-" his voice caught in his throat and Natasha's brows furrowed.

"Let me out," I whispered. "What did I do?" Suddenly, my head started to throb as a vague memory started to appear.

"Ready to comply," I stood rigid, my muscles rippling as they got ready to punch something.

"Cover my escape. Distract them," Rumlow smirked and handed me a loaded, heavy duty gun.

Sam ran up to Rumlow and kicked him in the face, dodging the bigger mans punches. I came from behind while he was distracted, punching him in the back and flipping him onto his side. He groaned, but he wasn't out for the count yet. He grabbed one of my pistols and shot at me, yet I countered by blocking with my arm.

I punched the ground next to his head, he grabbed my arm and yanked me down with him. I spun and kicked his face before yanking him off the ground. I kicked at his chest and he stumbled back, falling out of a window.

"Cap!" He screamed. Like always, Steve was somehow able to grab him and get him back into a safer location in the building.

"Bucky! Did you see Rumlow?" He started towards me.

"Steve no-" Sam started, but he was too late.

I punched Steve right in his jaw. He fell backwards and landed on the ground, staring right back at me. "Wha-" I punched again, this time he dodged.

He kicked up, nailing me in the chest. I grabbed my dagger and came at him, aiming for his legs and lower half as his shield couldn't cover that quick enough.

"This is Falcon, requesting backup. Black Widow, Hawkeye, anyone. The Winter Soldier is awake, I repeat-" I flung Steve away from me.

I headed towards Sam, grabbing his coms and crushing them in my hand before punching him in the face and throwing him on the ground again.

Steve cane at me from behind, attempting to hit my head as hard as he could. I backed up and flopped onto the ground, making him take all the weight of my body as his back connected with the floor.

Another person flew in from the window. The Black Widow, the only one to survive. I've fought her, and I've beaten her. With a quiet fwp she unleashed her s glowing batons and came at me. Right, up, left, left, down. I dodged and grabbed the stinger with my left arm, which flexed with all the power it felt.

She jumped onto my shoulders quickly, twisting around me and flipping me over. Before I had time to think, Steve was up and using all of his strength to get my metal arm controlled. The Black Widow repeared, slamming my head with a concrete block. Everything went dark.

"Steve," I croaked out "you know that wasn't me. I didn't mean to hurt Sam. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Steve crouched down next to me. "I'm getting you out of this, buck. That's a promise." He paused for a moment. "You remembered?"

"She used cognitive recalibration. Just hit me in the head as hard as you can if I have another episode." He grabbed my hand and helped me out of my restraints before pulling me into a big hug.

I held him tightly, remembering the times where I was his protector. He was now mine, and I was grateful for him.

Somewhere on the European coast

"Sir, we have eyes on the target."

A tall man nodded. "This is good. He is complying? Still engraved with our program?"

"Yes sir."

"Locate him within the next 72 hours. Put a tracking device on him, he seemed to have destroyed the old one."

"Of course, sir," the second man typed into a computer.

"Oh, and, soldier?"

"Yes sir?" The man looked up from his typing.

"Kill all distractions."

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