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I woke up in a building that I didn't recognize. My first thought was hospital, as my arm was burning. I tried to sit up slowly, as to not reopen any wounds, when I noticed this wasn't a hospital. I was in a jail. My arms were kept in constraints behind my back.

"No...no no..." I tried to undo the lock or to flip it around.

Steve wouldn't let this happen, would he? Down the hall I heard somebody, no, two people, yelling. Please let it be Steve. Please.

I wondered what would happen if I broke my restraints.
How secure does this cell look?
I managed my face between the slim space in the bars and glanced left and right. No guards and a few other cells.

I took a deep breath and flexed my left arm. A burning sensation ran up my shoulder as I heard the handcuffs snap.

Nothing. No alarm. No march of guards. I was seemingly alone. I made my way towards the metal bars and slipped my hand through towards the lock. The key was still in its slot.

This is not a high security prison. This is a trap.

Against all my instincts I opened the door and cautiously took a step out. No alarms once again. The hallway was dirty and dark. The lights flickered above my head.

"I swear if a zombie jumps out at me I'm f*cking losing it." I talked to myself.

As I made my way down the hallway I noticed a small office with a crack TV screen. The volume was relatively loud, and my heightened hearing made it even easier for me to understand this was my trail.

Grimm made his way to me, the Russian started. I looked myself in the eyes as I started to lose it. The camera stayed steady as a court officer jumped at him. He threw him off but wasn't ready for the team of Sam and Steve to come at him. Steve threw his shield at Grimm while Sam shot out at his legs. There was more commotion in the stands as undercover HYDRA agents duked it out with some more officers and Ironman, who had come to the trail as a precaution. I saw Matt throw his stick at one of my handlers. It hit him squarely in the back of the neck and sent him to the floor.

"No way he's blind," I murmured.

Now I don't remember this part at all, but Steve sprung over to the witness stand where I was hiding. He lifted me up and grabbed my face, speaking words my present self couldn't bear. I nodded and staggered after him as the chaos ensued in the courtroom.

"Ya found it, I see," I deep voice replied. I spun around, searching for it but it had no face. The voice was oddly familiar. "It's such a shame, what happened to him. Don't you think?"

Who? What happened to who? My mind whirred and clicked, trying to piece the puzzle back together. Then I noticed a small ticking in my ear. I ripped out the earpiece and smashed it under my toe.

I heard running in the hallway. "Steve?" Did they hurt him? Is that what the man was talking about? "Steve!"

I started out in the hallway, ramming myself into Sam at full speed.

"Where are-"

"No time!" Sam shoved me up. He handed me a pistol. "Go!"

"Don't give me a weapon-" I started to protest.

"Steve trusts you." Sam looked me in the eyes. "I trust you."

I nodded. Sam lead me through winding paths of whatever prison I was in. Questions lurked in my mind like why I was here, where was Steve, and did Steve bring me here or somebody else.

When we made it outside, the sky was clear and there was no distinct screaming or people fleeing from terrorists. It was a nice day. Sam our away his gun but I kept mine close, not trusting the new atmosphere.

"What happened?" I stepped close to Sam.

He ignored me and we kept walking until we made it to a large area of grass. A helicopter stood in the middle, seemingly waiting for our arrival. Sam hopping in and held his hand out to me. I paused for a minute before taking it and getting into the machine myself. The doors closed as we buckled in.

"Can somebody answer me? Where's Steve? How did I get in there?" Silence.

I clenched my jaw. Fine then. See if I care. I stared out the window, watching as the people and trees disappeared beneath me feet. I've never actually been in an helicopter consciously before. It's really peaceful when I'm not on my way to kill somebody.

My arm started to burn again  and I gritted my teeth. I hadn't looked at it before now. Some of the overlapping grooves were ripped open, torn apart from each other. It was times like these when I was just so happy that my lovely handlers had to torture me when they weren't even here.

"What happened?" I demanded. "What happened after Steve took me from the room?"

Sam sighed. "You guys made it pretty far, almost back to the police station where Steve could protect you. And then Rumlow was there. We didn't account for him. Steve said you went crazy as soon as you saw him. And rumlow looked afraid. You almost killed him."

"That's one death I wouldn't feel guilty about causing." I murmured.

"Anyway, Steve had to pull you off rumlow. He thought he was down for the count but rumlow got back up. He almost ripped your arm off. And Steve never gets as upset as he does when somebody hurts you. So he went in for the attack and was knocked down on the floor. You kept punching and punching and punching. Steve's okay, he's just back at base with a concussion and a broken arm."

"He shouldn't be able to get hurt. That's what the serum was for," I said.

Sam sighed. "I dunno, man. I dunno."

The rest of the ride was silent as we made our way to the avengers compound. The trail was pushed back, of course, and the avengers were in charge of getting the other lawyer, and background checking that lawyer. Sam looked on edge the entire ride back. Something was still off.

We landed, and I hopped off the plane. Steve would either be in his room or in the hospital wing where I was when I first came here. I quickly went to the hospital and found him in one of the rooms.

The door wasn't locked so I opened it and gently closed it so I wouldn't wake Steve up. He slept peacefully, breathing normally. My head started to pound as I remembered watching over a tiny Steve who would skip over breaths or stop breathing for mi it's at a time.

I watched over his breathing for nine hours as he slept, afraid he would never wake up. Afraid he would leave me alone. Because I need Steve Rogers. As both Bucky and the soldier. He's apart of them both.

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