My Beloved

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Hello gays,

Hope you'll like this one, I am not so happy with it. Please do let me know if you'd like me to continue and any feedback is honestly a blessing as I have no idea what I am doing haha.

With love,

A xx


The wind seemed to rise as you walked under the trees. The early spring wind was caressing your cheeks and playing with your hair. It smelled like spring. Even the stars seemed to shine brighter that night you were walking down the same old road. Yet, you felt cold. Even this warm spring night felt colder than the coldest night in winter without her by your side. It felt as if your life was happening without you, somewhere far away. You were lost in this fog and you could not find your way back. So you wandered.


Her icy eyes are again on your mind.

Her soft lips.

Oh, you dreamed of the gentle hush from her voice and the soft touch from her lips.

And her smile? Oh her smile...

You thought even the sunshine comes from her smile.

However, these past few weeks. A couple of months? You lost track of time at this point. All you knew was that they were gloomy and painfully long. The sunshine was gone, all you had left was this fog.

Just before she left, she helped you to move to a flat you started renting. You thought it was time to move away from your family, you were an adult after all.

Cate had to leave for a business trip that was supposed to take a couple of weeks, but sadly it got prolonged. The two of you were talking whenever she was free, but it was not the same. You felt awful for missing her so much as it felt selfish of you. You wanted her only for yourself. Yes, it was selfish, perhaps even childish. You were fully aware of it, therefore you tried to dismiss the thoughts of yours, the ones she referred to as 'silly thoughts'. It worked most of the days, but those bitter thoughts would every now and then crawl into your head and there was nothing you could do about them.

She has always been good with dismissing them. With reassuring you... And perhaps that's what was going through your mind this time. You were an adult, yet you felt like a helpless child when it came to your anxiety. You cannot be counting on somebody else to chase away your demons. You need to be the in charge.

The buzzing of your phone in your back pocket brought you back from your daydreaming. Her name was written across your screen. With a deep breath, you accepted the FaceTime call.

"Hello, little dove."

You could not but smile at one of the few pet names she gave you.

"Hello Cate, how are you?"

Her smile faded for a split of a second as she took in your face. She was very good at reading you.

"Oh, I'm exhausted after the whole day at the set. I just crawled out of the shower. How are you my darling?" She said as she put on her signature pink framed glasses and you adored.

"You should rest then. I'm okay, just went for a walk."

"But I'm resting."

"But you should sleep. I mean you were working the whole day."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" She said with a smirk.

"No, why would you say that?"

A dense quietness settled between the two of you. The blonde's eyes feel downwards at her lap.

"I was just joking, you know that." She finally broke the silence.

At that point, you reached a familiar bench and sat down. You lighted a cigarette while you gathered your thoughts.

"I... I know I'm sorry." Now it was your turn to look down.

"(Y/N), look at me." You swore that her voice could calm oceans. She waited for you to look back at her and then continued. "What is bothering you, my beloved?"

"I miss you deeply, senselessly. I'm sorry."

Her face softened at your words and you have sworn that you saw tears in her eyes.

"Oh, don't be sorry. I miss you more than you can imagine. I'll be back soon."

"Do you know when?"

She gave you a smirk. "Sooner than you can imagine."


You climbed out of your shower. Droplets of water were dancing alongside your curves as you reached for your lilac towel. You changed into your nightwear and made yourself comfortable on your couch with a book you just started reading. You were not even sure how, but you managed to drift away to sleep.

Soft hands woke you up from your slumber. The bright arid light hit your eyes as you attempted to wake up. You quickly moved around in panic until you heard a familiar voice.

"It's just me."

That voice. Her voice.

You looked up and you saw her. Your eyes blazed as your eyes met her icy blue ones that belonged to Cate. The light behind her made her look angelic. Eternal.

"Cate?" You gasped.

"In all my glory." She opened her arms with a chuckle.

You could not help but stare. You could not move. As if she hexed you and turned you into a statue.

"But wait. How? Am I dreaming again?"

"Well, I expected a more heartfelt welcome if I should be honest." She faked an offended scuff while sitting down next to you. "But it is nice to hear that you dream about me." She winked.

You reached for her left hand and placed it again on your cheek. She really was here with you. You looked up and launched your body to hers. You could hear her heartbeat as you were resting your head on her chest. Her arms snaked around your body and she placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"I missed you. Why didn't you tell me? I-"

"I wanted to surprise you. Although I feel bad for waking you up little dove."

"I'm so happy you're here." You looked searching for her eyes up as you reached for her face. When you locked gazes, she moved in closer, dipping her lips down to kiss yours. You could feel Cate smiling against your lips and it felt like home. You were home again.

You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck. You could finally smell the scent that only belonged to your lover. It sent shots of electricity through your body as you slowly placed soft kisses on her delicate neck earning you a soft moan.

"I'm in love with you." She whispered.

"So am I." You whispered against her neck.

"Also I did not forget about the very special place I want to take you to. Are you free on Friday?" 

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