She is art.

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She looked into your eyes. You wanted to look away. But you didn't. Her eyes were like the night sky in the desert. It felt like there was a whole world living inside her. You didn't know anything about that world but wished to know more. Her right hand rested on your cheek and you slowly closed your eyes. The soft skin of her hand still pressed against your cheek, oh what a holy touch. Thank the lord you were sitting, because your knees weakened. You looked back at her and she slowly removed her hand and quickly turned around and started doing something. After a good five minutes, you dared to speak.

"So Cate, with what exactly do you need help?" You looked around, trying to figure out it by yourself.
"Oh, nothing really. Just wanted somebody to keep me company." She smiled as she turned around. Her icy blue eyes scanning my whole body. You could feel your cheeks getting warm. Did she want company? You looked around confused.

"So, what do you like to do, (Y/N)?" She asked, while mixing something in a grey bowl, not looking away, not looking at you.
"I... Well, I love art in general. Paintings, music, poetry,... They are all filled with thoughts and sharp words, they explain our feelings. They put into words what we can't say out loud. I have a hard time explaining my feelings, or understanding them myself."

She turned her head to look at your face. "Look at her, she can speak. Hm... You are an interesting being, (Y/N).", she smiled and continued with whatever she was doing.
It was hard for you to focus to focus on anything else but her. Every inch of you was burning for her, and you would burn for all eternity to feel her touch once more.

"Is that what you would do in life, to do art?", she asked.

"I would love to.. but.. I don't think that I'm good enough. My parents wouldn't want me to something like that anyways. They don't think that it is a real job, you know."

"Hm, what a shame. I think you should consider it.", you could see her smile. "Why don't you show me some of your work?" She turned around to face you, with a smile.

"Well, I don't have anything here, also... I don't know when will I be here again."

"You are always welcome here, darling. You can come over anytime you want. What are you doing this Saturday?"

Your heart started racing. There she is across the room, those eyes, that face, you can't help but stare.
"I thought that Dashiell is away." You look at the older woman with a confused look.

"Would you mind if it was only the two of us?" She looked you deep in the eyes.
'Oh.. Have I mentioned her eyes?' you thought to yourself. Her blue eyes that reminded you of a cloudy day at the beach. Looking into her eyes was the same as gazing out over the vast forever.. Where the grey sky and the blue of the ocean mix perfectly.
"No, Mrs Blanchett."
"Cate." She corrected you.
"I mean.. Cate." You said her name. It lingered on the tongue, insidious and slow, almost like poison, which was apt indeed.
"Perfect, I will pick you up around 3 pm if that is okay?", you could only nod.
She was about to say something when your phone started to ring. 'Thank GOD!', you thought. You were sure you could not spend more time alone with her, you've either got a heart attack or you've stopped breathing. It was your mom and she needed you at home. You quickly explained it to Cate.

"How sad, but I'll see you on Saturday." She smiled and placed her hand on your shoulder. You smiled and nodded. "See you, on Saturday.", you replied.


You were already in your bed and you couldn't fall asleep. As you closed your eyes an image of her arrived in your mind. You can't even close your eyes without picturing her. 'Am I a fool for maybe, just maybe loving her?', you thought.

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