Good at being bad

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Hello gay,

This is a short one as I have no motivation to do anything. Please ignore any misspellings and do let me know whether you want me to continue!

With love,

A x


The coffee you were drinking tasted different this morning. It tasted like magic and you could not help but giggle. You were more of a night owl, therefore mornings were a painful inconvenience that you had to get used to. However, this morning was different. You could not stop smiling, and you were sure that it was caused by the presence of the older woman.

Your daydreaming was interrupted by footsteps coming from the direction of your bathroom.

"Do you have a hairdryer, sweetheart?" Cate was leaning against the doorway wrapped in one of your bathrobes.

You saw some droplets of water falling from her hair and hitting the softness of the crock of her neck. You swallowed a gasp that almost escaped your lips.

"Y-yes, I do." You nodded, biting down on your lip. You had a hard time keeping your eyes on her face.

"Well, could I borrow it then?" She asked with a low chuckle, certainly amused by your slightly awkward behaviour. Your behaviour spoke of charming innocence that she found refreshing.

"Oh, right!" Your cheeks were burning as you started walking in her direction, mentally cursing. As you were about to pass her, a strong arm blocked your way. She cupped your face as her thumb ghosted above your upper lip.

"You had a bit of coffee there." Her voice little more than a soft murmur

"Oh." You could see the smirk in her eyes as you struggled to reply to her action. You noticed lust swirling within her eyes, nothing compared to the look of surprise on your face. She was definitely playing with you and you were falling for it. You moved out of her grasp, nervously brushing through your hair with your hand as you were hectically looking for your hairdryer. Swallowing the thoughts running through your head, you set your mind back to the task at hand – searching for the hairdryer that you suddenly could not remember where you placed. You bend down to search through one of the few boxes that were still waiting to be unpacked, you could feel her creeping behind you. As you we about to get back up, you felt her front pressed against you, which made you turn your face towards her.

"You know that you look lovely down there." Cate's nails were dragging down your back as she slowly started pressing more against you. "Thank you for the hairdryer." She whispered into your ear and placed a soft kiss against the skin of your neck whilst reaching for the item that was literally next to you. Your eyes shut close at the tingling sensation in your body.

"When I'm done drying myself," she slowly got up and plugged in the hairdryer. "we can start the journey. Are you packed already?"

"I... No. Not yet." She gave you a smirk as you moved away from her.

"How come? Were you perhaps... distracted?" Her voice was raspy, low, and it sent shivers down your spine.

You could not help but stare dumbly. No thoughts, head empty.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Good to know." Her voice like electricity shot through your body. "Now go on and get ready, darling."


Together, the two of you gathered inside Cate's car and drove in comfortable silence, the destination still unknown to you. She was holding your hand while driving, her thumb stroking circles on your knuckles. Every now and then she would bring your hand up to her lips, kissing it. She'd hum to the music, smiling to herself at the fact that you were there with her at that moment. Once or twice her eyes would meet yours, god, those eyes sealed that sealed your fate before you even said a word.

"Hey, you alright there?" She cooed, earning a smile from you, a little lost the beautiful scenery.

"Yes, just enjoying the view."

"Which one?" She looked at you with a fake innocent expression.

"I was obviously talking about nature." You say with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh. Thank you." She was trying hard not to break 'character'.

"Wasn't it you who kept saying that it's rude to stare?"

"So you're good at following orders as well?" She looked you up and down. "Good to know." She lets out an amused scoff.

You exhaled slowly, not daring to look at her. And even though you were trying to act as if nothing happened... come on... you were shaking like the last leaf on a tree during autumn, aware of what was coming.

"You're bad! What did I get myself into?"

"I'm good at being bad, honey." 

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