A Little Bit in Love

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Hey there, I hope you like this chapter! I am not very happy with it, but I am never happy with my work haha. 

Let me know in the comments what you think!

With love,

A x


She placed another kiss on your cheek, then another on the left corner of your mouth and looked you in the eyes. You were mesmerized by her. You wished that this moment would never end. What a magical moment this was, so different from everything you had known. A soft smile appeared on her full lips, your faces inches away, in each other's arms – well, more like you in her arms. You thought to yourself, that this might be the only time to do such a thing that you wished to do. You collected all the strength in your body, took a deep breath and reached out for her face. Your fingers travelled on her face, focusing on her lips. You then slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her lips against yours felt incredible, magical, but most of all breath-taking. Your heart pounded in your chest faster than the massive wooden clock in the living room, as the intensity if your lips and bodies pressed against each other's grew. Her free hand slowly travelled down your spine, while the other caressed your cheek. She was gentle, careful as if she was scared to break you. The next thing you knew, she was on top of you this time as she slowly flipped you over. Your hands slid up her back as the bare skin of your palms ran along the bare skin of her back. You breathed heavily, and you didn't want to stop kissing her. Her breath was like honey spiced with cloves, her mouth delicious as a ripened mango. As you pressed kisses on her skin you recalled the sweet scent of lotus. She brushed her fingers over your wet lips and then placed a kiss onto them. You knew she was resisting making any sounds by the way she breathed, but so were you. Finally, you sat up and pulled away. You didn't know how, but you were on her lap, your legs wrapped around her as she placed small kisses on your neck. Your nerves were going insane. Electricity shot throughout your body as she left pecks at your neck. Your arms that were wrapped around her suddenly hugged her closer, as well as your legs. She kissed a sensitive spot on your neck, as you couldn't help but let out a small gasp, hoping she didn't hear it. But of course, she heard your gasp because as soon she pulled away a devilish grin occurred on her face. You couldn't help but stare at her, you bit your lips. A thousand or even more thought was running through your mind, and that was when her smile turned a concerned expression.

"Are you okay?" she asked, wondering whether she overstepped or hurt you in a way. "N-no, I'm fine." You said as your face turned a soft shade of pink and was avoiding eye contact.She leaned in and rubbed her thumb over your lower lip. Her other arm was wrapped around your lower back to support you. "You are breath-taking..." she whispered, her eyes scanning every inch of your face. "So young, yet so wise. You're like from another world." She looked you in the eyes as she finished. A smile appeared on her lips as she was caressing your cheek. You melted in her touch, trying to memorise every moment, every touch and every word. The moment was gone, as she got up from the sofa and walked to a record player. Your eyes were following every move she made. After a second, you could hear an old ballad softly playing in the background and her sweet voice singing along. She turned around with a smile and then a thought occurred in her mind, at least that was you guessed from her expression. She had this adorable face she made every time an idea occurred in her head. She had this specific expression and you could not help but wonder, what was going through her mind. "Let me get something!" she said we an excited voice as she disappeared in the hallway. You were sitting on the sofa, trying to absorb everything that just happened. You slowly touched your lips and smiled with the thought that not long ago they were pressed against hers. You were brought back from your daydreaming when she walked in the living room and sat down next to you. "I have something for you." She softly smiled as she pulled out an opalite pendant on a silver necklace. "I love gemstones and crystal. The other day when I was going through my jewellery I saw this one and I immediately thought of you. I've had it for a couple of years when I was battling with my confidence and I thought that this would come in handy. It will boost your self-esteem and improve your sense of self-worth-.. well.. if you believe in such things." She smiled."I don't know what to say, but I can't accep-" "No such thing. It will make me happy." She said with her head slightly tilted to her right. "Can I?" she asked indicating for you to hold your hair.She then placed the necklace on your neck and smiled."Thank you." You placed your hand on hers and bit your lips. "Your hands are so cold, come here." She said as she put a blanket around you. "Is this better?" you slowly nodded. Of course, everything was better your body rested next to hers. You could not help but study every movement on her face as she relaxed to the sound of the ballad playing in the background. She then noticed you looking at her and you sheepishly looked away, immediately turning a darker shade of pink."You're a mystery." She softly said as she caressed your face and you dared to look back at her. "However, your eyes say speak for you." You were not sure what she meant by that, and it immediately made you nervous. "And I think, that you might be a little bit in love with me..." She said with a smile. "And I might be a little bit in love with you."

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