30. Sudden

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"It ha been a few weeks and I think that you'll be good to go," Doctor Haru said. "You'll need to stay a few more days to check how well you can function, and then we'll discharge you."

Minami nodded. "Thank you for everything you've done," Tendou told him. "We wouldn't be here without you."

"It means a lot Dr. Haru," Minami said, smiling at the doctor.

"It is my pleasure," Dr. Haru replied. "I'm glad knowing that a patient of mine is okay."

The two of them thanked the doctor and Tendou helped Minami up. Since Minami had been feeling better, the doctor allowed her to live away from the hospital and Tendou had volunteered to let her stay at his house. After they got married, Minami had been much happier which brightened the mood of anyone who visited her.

Minami smiled at Tendou as he drove away from the hospital and to his house. She reached for his hand that wasn't on the wheel and she squeezed it tightly. "I'm so glad this is almost over," she said, staring into the red eyes of her husband.

He smiled but kept his eyes on the road. "Me too, Minami-chan." They continued their drive and eventually stopped outside of Tendou's parents' two story house. She opened the car door and with the help of Tendou she made it into the house.

"I'm so glad this is almost over," Minami smiled, heading into their shared bedroom, Tendou behind her. "Just think, I'll be able to get back to school before my eighteenth birthday!"

Tendou smiled fondly as the two of them piled onto the bed and got under the covers. "I love you Minami-chan."

"I love you too Satori."


Minami doubled over in a coughing fit, blood coming out of her mouth and into the sink. She had awoken in the middle of the night and ran to the bathroom. She only made it to the toilet before she began hacking up blood.

Tendou held her hair back and his parents stood in the doorway of their bedroom. Minami hacked more blood into the sink.

"Mom call the hospital!" Tendou said.

Soon Minami found herself on a hospital trolley being rolled into the scan room. She was back in a hospital gown and Dr. Haru had ordered her to get a CT scan. An IV was stuck in arm, inserting the contrst dye into her body.

She was layed on the CT scanner table, and her hair was pulled up and her hands were by her side.  

She table moved toward the machine and began scanning her body for anything that could've caused her to begin coughing up blood again. She tried to stay as still as possible as the scan began. It was hard since she was being put into a somewhat confined space. 

Yes, she could tell Dr. Haru she was getting anxious but she wanted to figure out what was wrong as fast as possible. She pushed down her anietya nd closed her eyes, letting the machine scan her face.

The scan finally finished and she was helped up and into the room where Tendou was waiting. Her pulled her into his chest and led her to a chair. She sat down in fornt of Dr. Haru who had his fingers entwined.

"We can't give you your result back for another couple of days unfortunately," he said. "Usually 3-5 business days for the scans to be complete for us to look at. How are you feeling?"

"There's a sharp pain in my lower abdomen," she said, holding her hand over her stomach to indicate the area. Dr. Haru nodded.

"Hopefully, the scans will be able to tell us what that is so we can fix it as soon as possible," he said. "You need to go back home and rest. Drink lots of water and stay in bed all day. Try not to do annything stressful or anything that could trigger your anxiety."

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