32. Nostalgia 100

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"Hey Satori?" Minami asked, swinging her feet back and forth over the edge of their bed.

"Hm?" Tendou asked from the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth.

"I know I still have one more day to stay here," she began. "But can we visit Shiratorizawa? Just to see everyone?"

"If you want to," he replied, putting away his toothbrush. He smiled at her, "You should probably get dressed first though."

Minami looked down at her pajamas and chuckled. She jumped off the bed and headed to the closet. She grabbed black ripped jeans, a long-sleeved white undershirt, and one of Tendou's Journey shirts. 

She removed Tendou from the bathroom and changed. She tucked both shirts into her pants and slipped on some black socks as well as a pair of platform black tennis shoes. She finished getting ready and exited the bathroom to see Tendou also finished.

"Dang  Nikkō," Tendou said. "I don't know if you should go out."

"What? Why?" she asked, her voice sounding somewhat distressed.

Tendou whistled, "Well, you look so amazing. I don't want anyone to try and steal you from me."

Minami's face got warm at the comment but then,-"Satori, we're married." Tendou chuckled wrapping her into a hug.

The two headed out of the house and to Tendou's car, getting in. "Satori, when did you get your liscense?"

"Um," he thought while he started the engine. "At the end of my second-year. Why?"

"But how?" she asked.

"What do you mean how?" he questioned. "I just took the test."

"But the drivers test is really hard, how did you pass?" she asked.

"Well, I had to fill out lots of paperwork, and it was lots of money but after that," he said. "The test was actually pretty easy. I guessed on most of the questions though."

That's how he passed. He guessed with his crazy intuition. She glanced out the window, watching as cars passed by.

It was lovely.

Tendou eventually pulled into the Shiratorizawa student parking lot. They both got out and stared at the school building in front of them. Minami was glad it was a Saturday.

The two headed towards the dorm buildings, and walked to the elevator. Pressing the 2nd floor button they got in. Minami grabbed Tendou's hand and he entwined their fingers together. The doors slid open and the two walked out and down the hallway.

They passed dorm number after dorm number before stopping in from of dorm number 645. She bent down, picking up the spare key from under the welcome mat and unlocked the doot. She pushed it open and walked inside, sliding off her shoes.

"Hello? Gen are you in here?" She asked, walked toward the living room. Her dormmate, Gen Furukawa exited her room, her hair pulled back and a cup of coffee in her hand. Her jaw dropped when she saw Minami.

"Hey, I uh, thought you were at the hospital," she said. "Are you okay?"

Minami smiled, "Well, I was in the hospital but I was discharged yesterday and I can come back here tomorrow."

"That's great," Gen said, cracking a smile. "I didn't touch any of your stuff I promise. I've actually been cooped up in my room."

"Oh? What are you doing in there so much?" Minami asked. 

Gen bit her lip, "Promise not to tell a soul?" Minami nodded. "I've been writing a book."

"That's great!" Minami smiled once more. "I'm so happy for you!"

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