31. "Road to Recovery" Wow That Sounds Cheesy

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_Tendou POV_

Tendou sat beside his wife's bed for hours and hours. He would check to see if she was awake every hour. He layed down beside her and watched as she sleep. Dr. Haru said it might take a while for her to wake up but Tendou was on the verge of loosing his mind.




Tendou opened his eyes and looked up. His mother was standing in front of him and he was leaning against the hospital bed.

"Satori, you neeed to rest," she said crouching down to his level. "I mean it."

"I can't Mom," he replied, looking up at Minami. She was still fast asleep. "I'm not leaving until Minami wakes."

"I know you love her, Satori, but this is unhealthy. I may have just met her a few days ago but I know she wouldn't want you to be in this shape. Go home, take a shower and a nap," she said. "I'll stay here and call you if she wakes up."

Tendou began shaking his head but his mom stopped him. "I mean it Satori. Go home. I'm still your mother you know."

Begrudgingly, Tendou stood up, looking at Minami on last time before leaving her room. He headed out to the parking lot and to his car. He had no idea if he would be able to drive but his mom was right.

He needed to sleep. He revved the engine of his car, starting it and pulling out of the hospital parking lot. He drove down the road toward his parents house. Once he parked, he got out and walked inside heading towards his room.

After grabbing his clothes and taking a quick shower, he plopped back down on his bed. Maybe taking a nap wasn't such a bad idea after all. 


Now having woken up and feeling refreshed, Tendou's Mom still refused for him to go back to the hospital. He began walking around town, trying to find something to do. Maybe he could go to a cafe and wallow in his own self pity until his Mom called him.

Tendou looked through the windows of each cafe and shop he passed. Happy people laughing and talking with each other. He finally reached the last window of the line of cafe and such when he saw three familiar faces.

Taichi, Shirabu, and Semi. Why all of them in one place together Tendou didn't know but it wouldn't hurt to find out why. He walked in the store, the jingle of the bell alerting the people at the counter to his presence.

He walked toward the table that the three were sitting at and sat down right beside Taichi. 

"Tendou?" Semi asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you'dbe at the hospital. Wait, how's Minami?"

Tendou sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Minami's...sleeping."

"What happened with her surgery?" Shirabu asked. For once he didn't look salty. 

"Her surgery was fine, they removed her appendix, and she's fine, it's just been a couple hours and she hasn't woken up yet," he said, tapping his fingers against the table. 

"Are you okay?" Semi asked. Tendou looked up at him. He wanted to break down right there and then and just vent about how he was really feeling.

"Yeah, I'm fine Semi-Semi," he smiled. "I'm just a little worried." The three were silent. "So, what are you guys doing?"

"Well, I'm third-wheeling their date," Taichi said, motioning to the two in front of them. "It's actually really interesting watching them blush at everything I say."

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