11. News

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Minami woke up in her own bed but what she was leaning against definitely wasn't her pillow. It was Tendou.

Minami jumped so much she fell out of the bed and onto the hard floor. 

"Ow," She muttered, rubbing her head.

"Minami-chan?" Tendou peeked down from over her bed, looking at her confused. "Why are you down there?"

"No reason, I just fell," she told him.

"Okay," he said. After he got off the bed and helped her up they both went into her living room area.

Minami heard her phone bing and she walked back into her room and got it. She turned it on and saw a notification from her brother.


Do you know where Tendou is?




Ok, can you tell him that Coach Washijo has something important to tell the team and that both of you should be in the gym in 20 minutes?



Minami turned off  her phone and went back to where Tendou was, "Waka-kun said that we had to go to a meeting with Coach Washijo in twenty minutes."

"Okay," he said. "I'll go and change. See you then, Minami-chan!"

"Yeah," Minami said. Tendou left her dorm and she headed to her room. Instead of wearing something nice looking, she decided to just wear a magenta tank top and grey joggers.

She slipped her vans on, brushed her hair, put her glasses on and went to the gym. She took the stairs down to the first floor and made her way to the volleyball gym.

When she got there, Ushijima, Ohira, Semi, Shirabu, and Taichi were already there.

"Hi guys," she said walking up to them and standing by her brother. They either said hello or nodded. "Do we know why we're here yet?"

Ohira shook his head, "Neither of the coaches are here and neither is the rest of the team."

Minami nodded. The door to the gym banged open, causing all of them to look backwards. Tendou and Goshiki were standing in the door way.

"The party has arrived!" Tendou said looking around the gym. "But where's the party host?"

"Coach isn't here yet," Shirabu told him.

"Neither is Taichi," Semi said, crossing his arms. "But to be fair, we all got here pretty early."

Taichi walked in later, along with coach Saitou. All they were waiting for was Coach Washijo. Then Coach Saitou checked his office and there he was, waiting for them to get there.

"Listen up you delinquents!" Coach Washijo said, once they had all gathered in a group. "We have decided to host a training camp for one week with three schools. Johzenji, Date Tech and Aoba Johsai."

Uh oh, Aoba Johsai meant Oikawa. And knowing her brother, he was going to constantly try to convince Oikawa to join Shiratorizawa.

"I understand that this a short notice seeing as though they're all coming next week," Washijo told them. "That means, Friday after practice, the gyms must be spotless before you all leave."

The players nodded and Coach Washijo dismissed them.

"Hey I was wondering," Minami started, talking to the team. "If we could hang out today. All of us. And you now, do normal stuff."

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