1. Exchange Student

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Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Minami Ushijima tried to stop her shaking hands as she made her way to the Shiratorizawa volleyball gym. She slowly made her way to the door and wrapped her arms around her waist to feel safer.

She peeked in just in time to see her brother, Wakatoshi Ushijima jump in the air and spike a volleyball. It hit the fingers of a red head middle blocker but still hit the floor behind him.

"Wakatoshi-kun, you're going to break my fingers!" the red-head complained. He then glanced toward the door and Minami hid behind the wall. 

The squeaking noise in the gym stopped and Minami started breathing rapidly. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breath.


Minami opened her eyes and found a pair of red ones staring back at her. It was the red-head except he looked at her shocked.

Behind the red head was a guy with copper-colored hair and one with a black bowl cut. 

"Hello?" the red-head said again.

"Tendou-san you scared her," the copper color haired boy said, crossing his arms.

"Uh-I," she started.


Minami turned toward the door and saw her brother with a confused look on his face. Minami ran to her brother and buried her face in his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist and closed her eyes, starting to breath heavily again.

Her brother used his hand to stroke her hair, "Are you okay?"

Minami shook her head and felt tears prick her eyes. She wasn't good around new people, especially tall tree-people.

Ushijima brought his sister over to the bench and she sat down, wringing her shaking hands.

"Don't have a panic attack," her brother told her. "You're fine."

Minami continued to breath heavily but tried to stop her shaking hands as she nodded. All the game playing had stopped and the players were looking at her and her brother.

"Wakatoshi-kun has a girlfriend?" the red-head whisper asked.

"I don't think so," an ash blonde guy said.

"Are you okay?" Ushijima asked her.

Minami had gotten her hands to stop shaking and she had slowed her breathing to a normal pace.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's fine," her brother said. "So, did you want to watch practice or-?"

Minami remembered why she had come in the first place. She put her side bag on her lap and started rummaging through it.

She pulled out the piece of paper she had gotten that morning and held it out to her brother. He took it from her hands and unfolded it, his brow coming together when he read it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. Minami took a deep breath and nodded.

"Follow me," Ushijima said. Minami stood up and followed her brother past the players and to a door.

He opened the door revealing a short old man sitting behind a desk. He had light colored hair and large black eyebrows.

"Coach Washijo, this is my sister, Minami Ushijima, she wants to become the manager," her brother said.

Minami tried to smile but instead her mouth just trembled. Sure he was shorter than her but he was intimidating.

"Are you scared of me?" the old coach asked. "Be honest!"

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