24. Tetsu and Pudding

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Minami woke up the morning after Tendou visited to find him sitting in the chair beside her bed. "Satori what are you doing here? You need to get back to school."

"I told you I wasn't going to leave until you got better," Tendou said. "I already emailed all of my professors. I'm going to be doing my schoolwork online now. I'm going to be here for you no matter what."

Minami smiled and blushed. There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in carrying a tray of food.

"Hello, Ms. Ushijima," the nurse said. "I have your breakfast and your medication for you." She set the tray down in front of Minami and put three pills on it. Minami thanked her and looked down at her actually appealing breakfast.

"I physically can not eat all of this," Minami said, staring at the food layed out in front of her

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"I physically can not eat all of this," Minami said, staring at the food layed out in front of her. "Hey Satori, are you hungry?"

Tendou chuckled and Minami invited him to sit on the bed with her. "Are you sure this is okay? I don't want to get on your doctor's bad side."

"Don't worry," Minami said and she grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. He sat down on the edge of the bed. "They do it all the time in movies." She pulled him closer and he rested his feet on the bed.

"And that's why your logic is flawed," he said, poking her forehead. She frowned and grabbed an orange off the tray shoving it her her mouth.

Tendou laughed and grabbed the second one, shoving it into his own mouth. They both smiled at each other showing the band of orange rind in their mouths. They chuckled and ate the orange slices.

The two of them ate the food together, splitting it evenly. There was still some food left afterwards since neither of them had very big appetites. Minami grabbed the three pills off of the tray and took them one by one with the carton of milk.

Soon the nurse came back in, her eyebrow rasied at Tendou sitting on the bed, and she took the tray. Minami thanked her once again and leaned her head onto Tendou's shoulder. "Thanks for being here Satori."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Of course, Nikkō." Tendou kissed her forehead.

"Nikkō?" Minami asked.

"It's sunshine," Tendou told her. "And you're my sunshine."

Minami blushed and hid her face in his chest causing Tendou to laugh. He placed his hand on her head, combing his fingers through her hair.

And there they sat, on the hospital bed, cuddling with each other and telling each other jokes. 


"You're training Dexter to be a service animal?" Minami asked as she rubbed the dog's head, the puppy dressed in a red service dog vest. He licked her face causing her to smile.

"Yep, I figured, if I taught him to do good young, he'd be better when he became older," Tendou said, grabbing the puppy and detaching him from Minami's face.

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