Part 35. Surprise for All

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"I know Satori, but I can't talk right now," Minami said as she rushed around the room of her old house. She was on the phone with Tendou who was at his house and she was trying to decorate.

Today was Goshiki's graduation and they all decided to have a little party for it. Even though there was a new team, they had all agreed that this party would be better suited for the first Shiratorizawa boys volleyball team that didn't make it to Nationals.

It was a pretty depressing title.

She continued doing her work as Tendou bugged her over the phone, "I get that you're really busy. But I have a surprise for youuuuuu." He drew out the last vowel.

"I know, I'd love to but I have to decorate and start my paper for school," she told him. "I need to decorate quickly so i can work on the paper."

"Trust me, it's a good one," Tendou whined. "Besides, I will help you set up afterwards."

Minami took a small break, setting a stack of plates she was holding on the table. "You promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he said.

"Don't say that," she mumbled. "Ughhhh, fine! I'll go."

"Yay! I'll pick you up in a bit!" and with that he hung up the phone. Minami needed to change. She went to her closet since some of her clothes were still in her old room. After aimlessly searching she found a pair of dark wash jeans and an over-sized sweatshirt.

She quickly changed into the two garments and then began brushing out her hair. She finally finished and slipped on her socks and white tennis shoes. After checking her phone for any notifications, she heard a knock on her door.

It must've been Tendou.

She quickly walked to and opened it seeing her husband standing in front of her. She smiled and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. She pressed a quick kiss to his lips, locked the door, and then got into Tendou's car.

"So where exactly are we going, Satori?" Minami asked as he pulled out of the driveway. He smiled, booping her nose with his finger.

"It's a surprise," he chuckled. Minami frowned and crossed her arms again. They drove down the road from her house , passing building after building. Minami glanced out the window to see a stretch of beach, she smiled, she had always loved the beach.

Then Tendou pulled into a parking spot at the beach. Minami got out of the car and followed Tendou onto the beach, "Why the beach?"

"No reason," he chuckled, linking their hands and pulling her along with him. She followed for the sake of her curiosity and he stopped at the back of a line. It was a line to a ferris wheel.

They waited and waited, Tendou stricking up conversation once or twice during their wait. When the finally reached to front of the line, Tendou payed and the two got in. They got in, each sitting on either side of the Ferris Wheel.

The box was lifted higher into the sky, stopping only a couple times to let people on and off. Then Minami and Tendou's cart got to the top. Tendou grabbed her hands.

"Minami-chan, I love you," he said. "I have always loved you, ever since the day I first saw you."

She knew one thing for sure: he wasn't proposing.

"And I just wanted to say," he paused, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips. "Happy One Year Anniversary."

She had completely forgotten.

"Oh my gosh," she said. "I-I forgot. It's been a year already?"

Tendou chuckled, "Don't worry. I just wanted to add something else."

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