Chapter 4- Kidnapped (Edited 1/28/20)

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"Another successful mission under our belts! Good work you guys!" Minato praised us. It was our third year as a team and honestly, I felt so happy to be with them. I was now eight years old and a chunin, Kakashi being the only other chunin on the team. We both became one at the same time which only sparked our competition more. However,  I started to like Kakashi... As a person I mean! Yeah...Minato was weary about my fierce competitive nature but I needed to prove myself to my crush, Obito, and the world. They needed to learn that my name is Minako Uzumaki and they better not forget it!

I have fallen head over heels for Obito...hard. It made my life difficult because he was my best friend and was totally in love with Rin, sometimes even telling me how he plans on asking her on dates but never got the guts to. It broke my heart everytime he said that but it made me more determined than ever to prove myself to him. I was friends with Rin despite my crush on Obito, but I knew not to blame her, since no one knew about my affections.

"Alright! Hey Rin, wanna go out to eat some ramen?" Obito cheerfully asked her. She glanced at Kakashi who was walking away and sighed.

"Uhm...maybe later Obito. I really need to get home. Bye guys." She said then turned to leave with a wave. Obito started sulking but looked up at me.

" you wanna get ramen?" He asked with hope in his voice. I smiled at him and nodded, my hair moving from behind my ear to my face. It was a lot longer now, the fiery ends reached until my mid back. Obito cheered before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards Ichiraku's. I blushed heavily but followed anyway, reaching the stand in record time. We immediately scoffed down some ramen and it wasn't until our second bowl that we began talking.

"I think this year might be the year I finally win Rin over. She's just so smart, nice, and pretty. What do you think Mina?" Obito asked me. I froze and stared down at my bowl of ramen with saddened eyes. I knew he would never love me...I was silly for even trying...who would love a red headed freak like me anyway?

"Hmm? Mina? What's wrong?" Obito asked as he glanced up at me with concern. Should I tell him? Or would it just emberass me?

"Obito...I-I...have been meaning to tell you this for a long time...I-.."

"Oh shoot, I forgot! Hey Mina, sorry I gotta help Miss Shoiji down the road. Umm finish what you're saying tomorrow?" He asked as he threw money on the table and looked at me with those obsidian eyes I loved so much. I sighed and shook my head.

"I-it's nothing ya know..." I mumbled to empty air as he disappeared. I turned back to stare at my half finished second bowl of ramen and suddenly felt full... the young man behind the counter looked at me with all knowing eyes as his toddler daughter played with some strainers on the floor.

"Looks like you're suffering from young love." He said with a small smirk. I glanced up at him and gave him a half smile.

"Tell me about it, ya know."

"Well like my mother always said, it might be the ramen you see in front of you that may be the most appealing, but when you really look on the menu, you find the flavors you never knew you loved all this time." I raised an eyebrow and sweatdropped at the old man.

"Umm...what's that supposed to mean ya know?" He awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh...haha nothing...just an ancient ramen proverb." I had two sweatdrops. Ancient ramen proverb, what? That exists? I quickly finished the ramen in the bowl despite my protesting stomach and paid.

"Thanks mister, see ya around." I called out to him. He waved before going back to his noodles. I wandered the deserted streets of Konoha before walking to a training ground by myself. It was almost dark out and Kushina would be mad if I wasn't home was just that I really wanted to train to work off this feeling from what Obito said to me.

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