Chapter 12- Survive (Edited 1/29/20)

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"Mina! Breakfast!" I leaned up out of my bed only to smell the wafting perfume of bacon and pancakes. A smile brewed across my face. It was my favorite. I quickly ran with my little legs down the stairs and into the kitchen, hugging Kushina tightly.

"Oh? Someone's giving me love for making breakfast ya know." Kushina giggled. I snagged a piece of meat and savoured the taste.

"You're the best big sister in the world ya know!" I chimed. Kushina smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Only to the little sister I love more than anything."


"Minato! Help me! I'm lost!" I started crying as four year old me wandered through a forest alone. I was supposed to be playing hide and seek with my sister's boyfriend but being clumsy me, I got lost. I whimpered as tears fell down my face, shaking slightly because it was getting dark. I kept walking, almost mindlessly when suddenly the forest floor gave way and I fell into an old forgotten ninja trap.

"MINATO!" I screamed, death certainly was waiting for me... my body was falling. Suddenly, I was in a pair of warm, soft arms and cradled into a comforting chest.

"Shh don't cry Mina. I'm here." Minato spoke softly. I cried into the crook of his neck, letting out all of my previous fear.

"I-i was so s-scared ya know?" I whimpered. He sighed and stroked my hair, making me feel safe and loved.

"I'll always protect you Mina. I'll never let you fall."

Kushina... Minato...

I miss you.

The tears have dried...none left to cry. My chest felt heart...completely shattered. When I was a child, I thought being a shinobi meant traveling to faraway places...meeting people...making friends and protecting my village. I never truly understood the misery, and utter loss that came with being a ninja. I didn't understand the true meaning of sacrifice...until the moment my family and friends were violently taken from me. Obito...Rin...Irukei...Minato...Kushina...may your souls rest in happiness and peace.

I cracked my eyes open only to be greeted by a bright light. I looked around, noticing I was in a hospital bed and that a silver haired boy was laying on me, holding my left hand in his. His eyes were slightly red and puffy from crying, his cheeks were stained. I moved my right hand through his hair, feeling nothing, whether it was the painkillers in my system or not. My mind was blank from the traumatizing events that happened. After all, what do you do when you're in so much emotional pain that it paralyzes you? Every pain pill in the world would never fade the piercing shatter of a broken heart. The boy started to wake up, looking at me with sleepy eyes before widening them and immediately sitting up.

"Mina! You're awake." I only smiled a little bit at him, feeling upset that he was crying.

"Why were you crying Kakashi?" I asked softly. My voice was scratchy, and suddenly my throat was burning. When was the last time I had a drink of water? Kakashi looked me in the eyes before kissing me fully on the lips, I welcomed it. 

"I thought I was going to lose you." He whispered. I smiled softly at him and cradled his face, bringing his lips back to mine.

"Not when I have something to live for." I spoke back.  He grinned and kissed my cheek before sitting down again and holding my hand. 

"So what happened to me?" I asked.

"You broke your spine in two places, luckily there were no fragments and just cracks. However, the medic ninja performed surgery and she said it was a miracle. That your spine was healing so fast...almost as if there was barely any damage done. She said you should be out of the hospital by the end of the week. Normally it would take a few months of rehabilitation." My eyes widened but then I remembered why I would be healing so fast.

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