Chapter 25- Father (Edited 2/10/20)

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"You better not let me fall ya know or I'm gonna use your skull as a wine glass!" I gritted to Jiraiya who was helping me walk down the hospital stairs. I was a over eight months along, the baby was due practically any day now and I had to fill out pre-paperwork with the nurses on staff. I would have to have a private birth considering Kurama is sealed inside me and we don't want the seal to break. Kakashi was supposed to be at home today but when I woke up, only Naruto was there, getting ready for the Academy. I was annoyed that he missed out on taking me to the hospital and instead I had to ask Naruto to grab Jiraiya for me on his way to school. The poor sannin was terrified all day, not really used to the aggression of very pregnant women. Jiraiya held onto me as if I was a prized possession, making sure I didn't trip.

"Sheesh. I'm a world class ninja, have a little faith in me woman." I smiled a bit at that comment and began to wobble down the street with Jiraiya, heading home. I placed my hands over my large belly, rubbing it gently and feeling it move a little.

"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy..." I thought out loud. Kakashi and I wanted to have the gender be a surprise. I didn't really care, but I just wanted this baby to be healthy. That was all that mattered to me. Jiraiya sensei had his arm tucked in with mine, escorting me and guarding me from any self inflicted or external danger.

"Boy, definitely!" I turned to look at the sannin with an eyebrow raised.

"What makes you say that?" I asked. He returned the look before grinning.

"Because I need another godson named after one of my book characters." I rolled my eyes at him before growling.

"I am not naming my baby after a character in your perv books! Just because Kushina and Minato made that mistake, doesn't mean I will ya know!" I lectured. Jiraiya scoffed before acting like he was offended.

"Hey that novel wasn't even an Icha Icha book! And besides, those novels dedicated months of my time! I needed to conduct intensive research for those to be successful!" He defended. I rolled my eyes again before walking up towards my front door and opening it.

"Just because my husband is a perverted reader doesn't mean I want my baby to be named after it ya know." Jiraiya turned a bit as he helped me through the door.

"Hopefully the kid learned a few tips for the bedroom..." Jiraiya mumbled. I turned around and smacked his arm.

"Master Jiraiya!" I yelled. He grinned sheepishly before scratching the back of his head.

"Heheh sorry." I turned to look in the house to see it was empty besides Itachi sitting in the living room while drinking tea. Itachi practically lived here after the massacre, the idea of living back in the compound was too painful for him and Sasuke which was understandable. Luckily for him, we weren't too far from the empty compound and he inherited his family's fortune, allowing him to rent an apartment from the complex next door. Even though he didn't stay at my house anymore, he and Sasuke tended to 'accidently' fall asleep while 'visiting'. I didn't mind, the two boys were family to me.

"Speaking of my perverted husband, have you seen Kakashi at all, Itachi?" Itachi looked up at me with warm onyx eyes before shaking his head.

"No, I have not Minako sensei. Would you like for me to look for him for you?" I sighed softly with a small smile for my only pupil.

"No it's fine. Thanks though." I said to him. Itachi looked at me concerned before standing, watching me strain to catch my breath. He came to me quickly before looking at me in my violet eyes.

"Minako sensei, are you alright? You seem upset." Itachi asked concerned. No one was more caring than Itachi. I gave him my best smile, which he saw right through.

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