Chapter 37- Battle Pt.1

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The crowd was cheering and celebrating their newly elected Hokage. The smiling woman was on top of the world, everything seemed to be falling into place for her...everything seemed to be alright. Her kids and husband joined her after she was officially inaugurated, her robe fitting her like a glove. Minako subconsciously touched the necklace Minato gave her all those years ago, something, just like Obito's bracelet, that she never took off. She knew Obito was probably watching her from a distance somewhere and that her sister and brother-in-law were smiling down upon her. Itachi was with her on one side with Sasuke and Kakashi on the other with Naruto and Shinasui. She felt one with the world, her family, and now her village.

She was never happier.

A deafening explosion was heard towards the eastern area of the village, immediately gathering everyone's attention. Smoke was billowing towards the sky; the crowd began to panic and scream, running towards their homes.

"What on earth?!" Hiruzen exclaimed. Jiraiya turned and nodded towards his student, indicating that he was going to check it out. He ran off and Minako immediately turned to the horde of Anbu units on duty and directed orders.

"I want six units around the village guiding and protecting the people until we figure out what is going on. Your first priority is to protect them from any harm, the second is to reassure and calm them. Hurry!" Minako stared in disbelief that none of the units moved to accomplish her demands.

"What's the meaning of this?! Get on with it! The people need to be protected!" Minako yelled at them. Only then did she realize that their uniforms were slightly different from the average Anbu. Minako gasped and immediately raised a kunai, positioning her body to stand in front of her family.

"Kakashi get the kids out of here." Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows before standing his ground, pulling out a kunai along with Itachi who pulled out a katana.

"We aren't leaving you Minako." Itachi demanded. Minako was panicked. Shinasui was clinging onto Naruto in fear, terrified for their parents.

"Naruto get Shinasui out of here!!" Mina shouted. The ROOT forces grew in numbers by the minute, completely out numbering the Hokage along with her husband, student, and predecessor. Naruto wouldn't budge. Why wouldn't anyone listen to her?!

"No way am I leaving you! Not if someone is going to hurt you, believe it!" Mina was furious but just wanted her children out of there. She turned to Sasuke and without her even saying a word, he nodded.

"Got it."

Sasuke tossed Naruto over his shoulders and carried Shinasui delicately in his arms, jumping off of the Hokage mansion and safely escaping. Minako was finally relieved and could defend herself properly now.

"Hiruzen, please gather the remaining loyal Anbu forces and the jonins and have them scatter across the village to protect the people, there is a rebellion happening here." Hiruzen followed her orders and left as well, knowing full well that this was the moment that the Hokage had to prove herself to the village.

"Why are you doing this?" Minako asked the traitors that grouped before her, Kakashi, and Itachi. Only one responded, the possible captain of the rebel unit.

"Our master believes in destruction of the broken in order to rebuild into a new world. This village is broken and we are here to turn it into rubble so we can rebuild with our master as the leader to guide it into prosperity." Minako knew exactly who they were following and now she knew why. She couldn't allow for the village to be destroyed, not when she was Hokage...the protector of the village.

"I will die before I let you traitors destroy this village! This is our place, our life, our home! You may tear me down, you make break my bones and cut my skin, but you will never extinguish the will of fire that burns in my veins! As Hokage of this village, I will obliterate any and all that threaten our people!" Minako spoke with power, Kurama getting excited by the danger in the air. Kakashi stood by his wife protectively and Itachi prepared to defend his long time love. It was three against them all and perhaps if it was anyone but those three together, death would be the only possible outcome.

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