Chapter 6- Red Strands of Fate (Edited 1/29/20)

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It was a few days after my tenth birthday and Minato kept acting really weird around me by following me around. He was being overly nice as if he was trying to get on my good side. I was very suspicious so I asked Obito what he thought when we made our round about town to help out the villagers.

"I dunno Mina! I mean isn't Minato Sensei always nice?" I sighed and flipped my long red hair behind my shoulder. My violet eyes settled on his onyx and I shrugged.

"I mean I guess so...but isn't he a little more...weird...ya know?" Obito smiled at me. 

"Mina, we're always weird...even if we don't admit it." Just then Minato popped out of nowhere and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah! My darling little Minako! What a pleasant surprise! Hey Obito, would you mind if I borrowed Mina for a while?" Obito looked at him with raised eyebrows before nodding to me that I was right, Sensei was acting weird.

"Uhh...sure?" Minato quickly turned us before walking away with his arm still placed around my shoulder. He lead us silently while smiling at the villagers who waved to him. Eventually we ended up at a park where various sakura trees were in full bloom, the warm air making it quite peaceful. He sat us on a bench and let the sakura petals blow in the breeze around us.

"Mina there is something I want to tell you." Minato started as his arm was behind me, supporting me in a way a father would support his daughter. I nodded for him to continue and moved a stray hair of crimson from my face.

"I love your sister more than anything in the entire world. I dream of being with her until we grow old, for us to see the world together...and most importantly, starting a family. I have been in love with her since we were your age. Kushina means so much to me and every time I think of the future, she is standing by my side. Traditionally I would ask the father but I know he is no longer with us...which is why I'm asking you, Minako Uzumaki, for your blessing of having your sister's hand in marriage. Will you accept me as part of your family?" I looked at him wide eyes before tears flooded within my violet orbs and I hugged Minato tightly. He seemed taken aback, smiling at me and returning the hug.

"Minato, you've been my family, ya know?" I sniffled back. Minato grinned at me with his cerulean eyes sparkling. I've always been envious of that intense blue. They were always so dazzling and made me feel at ease and safe.

"Well, now I just have to ask your sister."


"Mina, are these flowers too bright? Do I smell weird? Does this dress fit right? Are there a bunch of people here? Oh my kami I am so nervous ya know?!" Kushina gushed as I helped her finish putting on her wedding dress. It was a beautiful, sleeveless white lace gown and a silver symbol of konoha on a chain rested around the base of her neck. A colorful flower crown stood out from her red hair, and a matching one rested on mine. I was in a violet floorlength bridesmaid dress that was a similar style as my sister.

"Yes Sis. You look beautiful. Now stop being so nervous ya know? Just think of who's waiting for you at the end of the isle." Mikoto Uchiha looked at me with a raised eyebrow while impressed.

"You never cease to impress me Mina." I smiled at her, my sister's best friend. She has only three bridesmaids, Mikoto Uchiha, who recently had a baby, Rin, and me...well if I counted, I was her maid of honor. Minato had Obito, Kakashi,as his groomsmen and Master Jiraiya as his best man. Mikoto placed some last minute touch ups on Kushina's make up before having Rin and I look at her up and down. Both Rin and I looked at each other and nodded with heart eyes.

"Waahhh! Lady Kushina you look so beautiful!" Rin complemented. I grinned at her and gave her two thumbs up.

"Lookin good sis! I think it's time to head down the isle, ya know!" Kushina let out deep breaths as we all made our way towards the hidden curtain to begin walking. Kushina stayed hidden with me by her side. Hiruzen Sarutobi, or otherwise known as the third hokage, took over for walking my sister down the isle since our father was no longer alive to do so. He came in while dressed in his Hokage attire and grinned at my sister.

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