Chapter 14- Turning A New Leaf (Edited 1/31/20)

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I dropped Naruto off at the Uchiha compound in the morning and dressed in my black fighting kimono top and spandex shorts. I put my ninja headband in my bright red hair and let Minato's necklace hang above my breast. It was graduation day for the next incoming genin, meaning I had to meet with my new team. Kakashi left for another long mission again, leaving me alone with the baby. I missed him but filled my day with training with Jiraiya, hanging out with Gai or Tsume, or taking Naruto around Konoha. I took Naruto with me almost everywhere except for when I had to train. I wanted to make sure he would be safe.

I entered the Academy ten years after I first walked through the doors as a five year old. I meandered down the halls, entering what used to be Irukei sensei's room to see a different chunin taking attendance. I went inside to see a rowdy class sitting down and talking to each other. A few jonin including Tsume were standing in the front of the class behind the chunin instructor. I quickly stood next to Tsume, grinning at her.

"Well look who decided to show up." Tsume smirked. I smiled in return at the wolfy woman.

"I got lost on the path of life ya know." We chuckled but quieted down when the instructor spoke.

"Alright class, today, those who graduated will be meeting with their senseis. These are the jonin senseis, their abilities and knowledge will guide you all to be top notch ninjas. I will now tell you who your teams are." I waited patiently for my new team to be called, the two boys I've been looking forward to seeing the skills of.

"Next, Itachi and Shisui Uchiha, your sensei is Minako Uzumaki." I walked forward and smiled brightly at the two black haired boys. I was by far the youngest jonin here and Itachi must have been the youngest genin graduate. Shisui looked a little older and less shy than Itachi. I was excited to finally work with someone and not be a stay at home mom anymore.


"Alright boys, time to describe yourselves, let me get to know you, ya know." I said as the three of us sat in front of the memorial stone. My long red locks were billowing behind me, the warm air of the season blowing summer winds towards us. Itachi sat politely with his legs crossed underneath him while Shisui lounged in the grass, admiring the scenery.

"Well I'll go first then. My name is Shisui Uchiha, I like spending time outside and with friends. I love my village and clan. I am eight years old and my dream is to be a powerful ninja!" I smiled at him, I really started to like Shisui. I turned to Itachi next.

"Okay, now onto you." I smiled at him. Itachi blushed slightly before looking at his sandals.

"I am Itachi Uchiha... I don't like to talk very much... I do like my family and village a lot though... and Minako sensei. I am six years dream is to be the best big brother ever." I really liked how close these boys were to their families. Obito never had much of a family but used us, his team, as his family instead. Even though I didn't have parents... I never felt like I didn't have family.

"My turn now... My name is Minako Uzumaki. I enjoy taking my time and eating ramen. I can recite Ichiraku's menu by memory as a secret talent of mine. My senseis were the Fourth Hokage and the sannin Jiraiya, so don't take me lightly ya know. I have an infant nephew who I sometimes refer to as my son. His name is Naruto. My dream is to one day become Hokage... for my own dream and one of my comrade's..." Itachi and Shisui's eyes went wide.

"The Fourth was your teacher?! And Master Jiraiya too?!" Shisui exclaimed. I grinned.

"Yep, so I'll kick your ass if you mess with me ya know." Itachi swallowed the air in his mouth while Shisui grinned.

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