Chapter 10- Together (Edited 1/29/20)

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Before I fell asleep for the night, I wished the little baby in Kushina's belly goodnight. When I touched her seal, my mind suddenly went blank.

"Where am I?" I thought to myself as I felt my body drift in some warm, reddish orange bubbly liquid. I looked around and saw nothing, before hearing a dark and sinister chuckle. Suddenly my feet landed on a dark ground with some water on it. I looked up to see an incredibly high gate with a seal on it. Something sinister was behind the gate, that I was sure of... However, I couldn't stop myself. I walked forward towards the gate, slipping through the bars and heading further in. The chuckle got louder and louder before I came across a giant table with chains holding down what seemed like some sort of fox creature with nine tails. I gasped from shock but somehow did not feel afraid. I knew it wouldn't, and couldn't, kill me. The bright red demonic eyes of the fox rested on me while chained down.

"Ahh...Minako Uzumaki. We finally meet." The terrifying demon fox spoke in a deep voice. I couldn't help but feel enticed to respond.

"Nine tailed fox." I called out. He chuckled again before smirking.

"I am Kurama. I called you upon you for a reason."

"I am not setting you free." I growled. Kurama actually laughed, shaking the flood with his size.

"No you fool. I came to warn you. Something big is going to happen soon...this child will be in danger."


I woke up to see Kakashi snoring lightly next to me. I was startled by it but did not say anything since I didn't want to disturb him. His arms were wrapped tightly around me and my face was nestled on his bare chest. It honestly felt so nice...I couldn't deny it. I smiled into Kakashi, feeling my heart race slightly. I sighed in content before closing my eyes again. After thinking about it...I really started to feel something for him...something more. It felt concrete...raw...and real. We were always a perfect match as rivals...I guess I shouldn't be surprised if we were good matches as friends...or even more...

I had a hard time thinking about feeling anything for Kakashi...I felt like if I fell in love again...if I fell in love with Kakashi, that I was going to lose I lost Obito. My time to tell Obito or have a chance with him fell short in the end. I never did get to tell him how I felt until his last moments...something I regret not doing earlier. I looked over at Kakashi and saw the slight curvature of his nose. His peaceful expression as he rested with me, his soft pearl lips parted slightly, they all made me feel at ease and...happy. My chest was burning with a feeling I have never experienced so strongly. I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers through his silver hair and to kiss his lips. Was this the same feeling I had with Obito? What this the same love? Was this love? I felt Kakashi tighten his grip on me while still sleeping. A small smile crawled across his maskless face and I immediately knew the answer to my final question. Yes...this was love.

And I am not going to let the opportunity pass me by yet again.

I leaned my face forward, placing my lips onto his. Kakashi opened his eyes slightly and pressed me tightly against him, kissing back. I ran my fingers through his messy silver locks as my lips continued to dance with his. He rolled over on top of me and continued to kiss me, my heart beat becoming so loud I could hear it throughout my body. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to my room. Kakashi leaned away from me and we both looked at each other wide eyed before I motioned for him to go hide on my balcony connected to my room. He grabbed a novelty anbu mask off of the wall and put it on his face before hiding on the balcony.

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