Chapter 2- Cloning Test (Edited 1/28/20)

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It was my sixth month at the Academy and it was so much fun. I loved learning and being friends with Irukei Sensei made my time there easier to deal with. Especially with Kakashi always being the one to beat me in everything.

Obito and I started to become friends, goofing off with each other which often resulted in us getting in trouble. I didn’t mind though because I felt really happy when I spent time with Obito. I learned a lot more about him these past few months because of our friendship. He didn’t have parents, like me. I luckily had my sister though. She was my idol and I aspired to be as cool and strong as her. I was always klutzy and never did anything right. I especially felt that way when I would end up as number two in the class while Kakashi was number one. I never could catch up to him but I would never stop trying.

Even though I am good friends with Gai, Tsume, and Obito...Kakashi always acknowledged me and took me seriously, something that no one has ever done before. I was running late with Obito currently because we stopped when we saw a black cat. It is unlucky to take the same way as a black cat! When we arrived to school, Irukei Sensei was already halfway through the lesson. 

"Obito, Minako! How nice of you to join us. Why are you so late?" He growled, sparks flying off of him. Both Obito and I shivered. Obito responded.

"A black cat crossed our path and we had to take the long way." Irukei sensei had a vein pop out on his forehead before he started yelling.

"How are either of you ever supposed to become Hokage if you don't even show up to class on time?!" I turned to look at Kakashi who seemed to be unfazed by the two of us getting yelled at. I looked back at Irukei Sensei and growled.

"I will be Hokage." I whispered in defiance, an angry and embarrassed blush painting my cheeks red. To be scolded in front of my rival, Kakashi, like this was so embarrassing.

The rest of the day, I couldn't sooth the heat on my cheeks from the red hot shame. Once the final bell rang, I ran out of the room. I ran as fast as I could towards the first person I could think of since Kushina wasn't back from her mission yet. I knocked on their door and as soon as they answered, I pratically pounced on them.

"Oof! Mina!" He sighed. He then saw my tears and picked me up swiftly before sitting me down at his kitchen table. He took his thumbs, wiping away my tears on my reddened cheeks. It didn't take long before his shining smile made its appearance.

"I have some fresh strawberries from the market. Want some?" I nodded my head, my short hair matching the fruit he handed me. I started munching on them, Minato looking at me with a raised eyebrow and concerned blue eyes.

"Mina, what's wrong?" He asked. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"My sensei yelled at me...he said I won't be Hokage...I felt bad cause I wanna beat Kakashi...he always wins at everything." I sniffed. Minato sighed before kneeling down to my level.

"So what?" He said, a small smile on his bright features.

"Huh?" I asked, confused. 

"Well, what does it matter what your sensei thinks? Work hard and train hard everyday and you'll be better than Kakashi. Natural talent can only get someone so far...but if you never give up and always work hard, there will be no one stronger than you." He smiled. I smiled slightly and he wiped the remaining tears off of my cheek. 

"Now what is your worst jutsu?" I looked at my sandal clad feet.

"Transformation and clones." Minato laughed before smiling at me.

"What's so funny hm?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He then took my hand before taking us to a training field. 

"That was Kushina's worst too."

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